I love anthologies. They’re like getting small portions of several desserts. You don’t have to choose between the mousse, the chocolate dipped strawberry or the truffle cake—you can have them all. Plus you get a real taste of what you’re reading. Novellas are actual portions--not the single bite of a short story.
I love writing novellas, too, and that shows up in the number of anthologies that contain Summer Devon stories.

The first collection is
Taming Him (Ellora’s Cave/Simon and Schuster) Other authors: Michelle Pillow, Kimberly Dean. Summer’s story is "Perfection":
A laboratory experiment gone awry cranks Bryan's pheromones into overdrive and he’s irresistible to women. Escaping droves of desperate women is only one of his worries. Thugs from the lab are after him, eager to recapture the million-dollar essence he exudes. His only hope is to find the "perfect" woman. Sleeping with her will turn off his pheromone factory. Finding her is another matter.
Most of the anthologies I’m in have themes, such as dragons.
I Dream of Dragons, Volume 1(Samhain Publishing) Other authors: Marie Harte, Bianca D’Arc. The Summer Devon story is "Knight’s Challenge":
Sarkany has collected a fine hoard, including much of a small New England city. But Miranda knows his true nature. To drive this dragon from her home, she issues Sarkany a challenge—give it up or get out. His counter-challenge: if she loses, she becomes his. 
There’s an anthology with interconnected characters and a paranormal professional practice.
Shrink Wrap (Ellora’s Cave) Other authors: Lyn Cash, Kris Starr. Summer’s story in that collection is "Invisible Touch":
When Bonnie spurns the sexual advances of a real creep, she suddenly finds herself invisible to any man she finds attractive. She soon learns that the man she turned down is an amateur sorcerer who placed the curse on her. Now he's threatening to make it permanent unless she agrees to spy on his boss, a man Bonnie finds irresistible. ![]()
Here’s a collection unlike any I’ve seen in the world of erotic romance—infertility is the theme of
Who’s Your Daddy (Total E-Bound publishing) Other authors: Lyn Cash, Alexis Fleming. Summer’s story is "Direct Deposit":
Five years ago she and her husband had used him in a strange threesome that turned out to be less about passion than about an infertile couple's desperation. Divorced and infertile - yet finally content with her life - Colleen is shaken when the man she'd unwittingly deceived re-enters her life. She can't forget that their one encounter left her wanting more. 
The latest anthology featuring Summer Devon has a paranormal theme:
Out Of This World Lover. (Ellora’s Cave/Simon and Schuster). The official release is today! Because it’s brand new, I’m shoving in all the novellas’ blurbs--lifted straight from the publisher page:
Interstellar Sparks After intergalactic Acelan ambassador Ilyna shows up at hard-bodied electrician Bryan Cameron's door to re-enact some steamy scenes she saw on the XXX channel, he indulges her nocturnal fantasies...before the morning brings a scandalous surprise.
FutureloveCandy is shocked when a tall, mysterious -- and deliciously sexy -- stranger from the future lands with a thud on her park bench. But with a little intimate flirtation and a lot of erotic fun, she treats him to a red-hot escapade that makes him beg for more.
Wolf in Cheap ClothingWearing her slinkiest bikini, Lou is on the hunt for the rogue werewolf who changed her -- until a gorgeous, towering hunk takes her hostage on the beach for an unforgettable night of carnal pleasure.
* * *
If you like e-books, your novella selection can be more a la carte. Almost all the anthologies’ stories are also available as individual e-books…So if you hanker for lemon meringue alone, you can skip the sorbet.
Kate Rothwell writing as
Summer DevonBlogKateRothwell.comSummerDevon.comLabels: dessert, erotica, novellas, summer devon
I love Anthologies! Since I have young children, I don't have a whole lot of time to read a novel in one sitting, a story in an antho is just the perfect length..plus I usually discover new authors this way. The anthologies you listed sound great, I'll be checking them out!
LOL, had me at the word dessert *G* Love Anthologies!
I got Taming Him not too long ago from the bookstore, so it is now in my TBR pile. I love anthologies for a quick read. The different Secrets volumes are good also.
The Secrets books are a lot of fun. I found some of the best authors with them. (and ok, a couple of "glad I didn't spend money just for this" authors)
I grew to love Taming Him cover. I had a contest about what the two of them were saying to each other. The responses ranged from hot to hysterical.
Aww, shucks. I wish I'd have seen that contest. It would have been fun to see the replies.
Have a good day.
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