Sunny | What Book Format do you prefer?

Okay, some happy news. My 11-year-old son, Michael Chen, recently starred in a small independent film called Children of Invention, an amazing experience all in itself, but now we’ve just learned that it’s been accepted into the 2009 Sundance Film festival, under the Spectrum category! Here’s a link to the other 15 films in the category—the Spectrum group is halfway down the page. Robin Williams, Ashley Judd, Mary Tyler Moore, and the like are listed there!

I’m giving away one free copy of MONA LISA DARKENING to one of the brave souls who posts a comment here. Any topic is welcome. Don’t be shy. Would love to hear from you.
LUCINDA, DARKLY, PRISM 2nd place winner
Labels: mona lisa, mona lisa darkening, sundance, Sunny
Wow! You're just full of good news. Congratulations on your success as well as your son's. You must be so very proud.
I actually prefer trade paperback over mass market; however, I do appreciated the less expensive books!
congrats to the success of your son's film. best wishes with that and yippee a new release for you. THat's good news for you and me lol.
Hi Sunny! I am so glad your books are available in the smaller format now. They fit in my bookshelf better and they are easier on the budget. Not only that, but you just couldn't find the trade-sized at Target or Wal-Mart, and now I'm even seeing your mass-market books at the drugstore.
I also wanted to tell you how much I love your heroines. They are always smart, sexy, and kind, while being a real, everyday woman the reader can connect with. I think that's lacking in a lot of the books that share your series' genre.
For my personal library I prefer mass market paperbacks, largely due to cost. When I borrow books from the public library, I prefer trade paperback or hardcover because they hold him better to all the handling.
Oops. That last line was supposed to be "they hold up better to all the handling".
Hi Julie. Hi Pam.
Yes, this year kicked off great for me. Thanks for the well wishes!
Mandy, what good news you bring. In the drugstore...squeal! I knew it was in some Targets; didn't know about the drugstores. Thanks! Gave me a huge jolt of excitement :)
Denise, I liked your original wording better: hold HIM better to all the handling :)
I just wanted to say congrats to you and your family for all your success!! Way to go!!
I have really been looking forward to the release of your new book and have reread the others to the point they are really looking worn.
I prefer the trade paperback, but like Julie I do appreciate the less expensive book.
Best Wishes
Congratulations on the success of your son's film. :)
oh, Denise, keep holding "him" in your pocketbook. I LOVE the thought! Of course if you also held a little pup in their it could get messy and crowded. Hmm. Better not think on that!
Okay, Sunny, so jealous of your husband being able to go to Sundance. I've always wanted to go...okay in the past six years since I listened to a Marketplace story of Sundance...and it sounds like so much fun. Of course, since I'm not a celebrity it would be freezing my assets and just watching lots of films.
Anyone else go to their local film festivals? I've been going for about four years now and they are SO much fun. You should try it. Even very small towns have film festivals. Maybe not the big names coming in, but still the film makers do come and you get to see the most amazing films you'll never see in the theatre normally.
I prefer paperback to hardcover books, there not as big and bulky and easier to hold while reading. Continued sucess to you and your son!
What a wonderful talent in one so young. You must be very proud!
How wonderful, Sunny. Looks like this is just the beginning of many proud mama moments.
I buy more paperbacks than hardcovers too, for the space issue, plus I have quite an ebook library as well.
Congrats to you and your son!
I perfer the trade paperback because they are easier on your purse. Also they are better for carring around
Blueyes, what a high compliment! Reading my books so much they've become worn!
Cathy, LuAnn, and tetewa. Thank you. Yeah, I'm really proud of the little guy. He's a pistol.
Virginia, and all the others. Thank you for the feedback on paperback vs. trade vs. hardcover. Really appreciate it. A lot more favoring trade paperbacks than I imagined.
Dear Fresh Fiction,
I had to respond in a separate, special post. Loved your comment about: "Of course, since I'm not a celebrity it would be freezing my assets and just watching lots of films." Only I would put it as "freezing my ass" as well as "assets," if I may :)
How exciting for both of you. I prefer the mass market. They are easier to find.
Good luck with the film of your son's. How exciting for all of you.
Hello Sunny. I'm glad your new book came out in mmp. I prefer this format because they're cheaper and enable me to buy essentially two books for the price of one. I also can stack more of them in my bookshelf with the smaller books.
Also, congratulations on your son's good news! It must be really exciting to be a part of something that's received such an honor of nomination. Good Luck
I prefer trade-size paperbacks and hardbacks to mass market-sized; they just look prettier on my bookshelf. :-) Plus they're easier to handle when reading, and I find them harder to damage, a good thing. If I'm going to spend money on a book, I usually get what I really want, but if desperate (or out of options) I'll buy the mass market. A book's a book, in the end!
I love your Mona Lisa and Lucinda books, BTW! I'm #2 for Darkening on my library request list, and I can't wait to read it. Now they just have to get it to us impatient readers!
Congratulations on your son's movie. I bet he is so excited. I usually prefer mass market paperbacks over hardback or trade paperbacks. The mass market take up less shelf space, are a little more conviently priced, and are usually easier to find in stores.
So looking forward to your new release; love your Mona Lisa and Lucinda books.
Congrats to you and your son. Talent must run in the family :)
Crystal & Littlequeenie. Thanks! We're all pretty excited about the movie.
Natalie. Yes, it's wonderful for my son to be a part of a project that's honored this way.
Ley. LOL, I love your reason - because hardcovers look prettier on your bookshelves! :) Talk about judging a book by its cover, or rather, its hardcover [grin].
Star and Night critter. Thank you! Yes, my son is definitely happy. All of us are. As for talent running in the family, I'd say it's more so tenacity. The little guy has been acting since six. He hit a dry spot for a couple of years where we almost stopped taking him on auditions (Manhattan is 2 hours and a $50 train/taxi trip for us). Then we found him a great acting coach who boosted his confidence and he started getting jobs once more :)
I prefer Paperback over e-books I love to be able to pick up a paperback, curl up next to the fire and read.
I would love to win this book. It sounds very good. Congratulations on your success and that of your son's.
I have no preferance between paperback and hardback. I just don't like ebooks. I want a print book.
I have had author friends saying their books are getting pulled and publishers are moving to ebooks even when they are a success. I don't want to see that move.
jrs362 (at) hotmail (dot) com
cause i can sit on the bed, couch and where ever to read, but ebooks, have to sit at comp , and i rather not cause i cant sit that long a time to actually read,, lol i tend to read the whole book at one time
i got in lucky the day before your contest ends on your website
what is the differnce in trade size and mm size? and what is mm
Travellingmom. I'm with you in preferring a book to curl up in an armchair with, over an ebook. Didn't like the Sony e-Reader system, found it too dim, but reading it on the computor is not too bad. eBooks are incredibly quick and convenient--just purchase and download and start reading :)
SquiresJ. Thanks, for the congrats. You've gotten me all curious now, about authors having their books pulled and moved into ebooks. What publishing company is this?
Hi Blackroze. I agree with you about relaxing with a book verses reading it sitting in front of a computor. I'll do if I can't get my hands on a paperback and am desperate to read the story.
Mass market paperbacks are usually around $7.99 and smaller in size, versus a trade paperback which costs around $14 and is about a third larger in size.
Congrats on your good news! It sounds like you and your family are beginning 2009 with a bang.
I enjoy the price of the mass markey paperback, but prefer the trade sized paperback and the hardcover to read. The print is generally bigger and I tend to buy the books that I really love in the latter forms if they are available in such.
Mona Lisa Darkening sounds great! Congrats to your son!
Hhummmmm. First congrats to your son! That's great news. I prefer PB for the cost but for the look on my bookshelf HC looks nicer. But with money as it is now, I've got to stick with mostly PB.
Boy, I know you are just bursting buttons over Michael's movie! At only 11 years of age! What a future that young man can have!
As for book size, I only go for paperback books and certainly not for ebooks. I like to take books every place to read them. I even read them while riding a stationary bicycle. The small books are handier to pack, hold, etc.
That's great news about your book.
My daughter took ballet,but she
was never in a movie.
Congratulations on your son and
thanks for the u tube link.I
will have to see the movie.I love
Sundance films.So far my favorite was "Once"
Hi Lil and Amy. Yes, 2009 started with a definite bang. The little guy is keeping us plenty busy now, flying places.
WK and Gladys. Another person who likes hardcovers because they look nice on the bookshelf, LOL! And only 11 years of age, indeed, with a 14 year old daughter! The years have flown by!
Swtlilchick. That's how my son got into dancing and acting. By following his older sister. They are both accomplished actors and dancers but my son is more naturally outgoing and simply wanted it more.
I almost forgot to post a comment today.I just hope Sunny that your finally bringing our boy Gryphon in this book of the Mona Lisa series. I hope you have much success on all your books. I just love them and can't wait to read this one. Lol
I used to prefer mass market, now I am beginning to prefer ebooks as my house seems to be getting smaller and smaller..... or is it that the TBR stacks are looming larger?
I'll never completely stop buying print books, but I do tend to favor ebooks these days. The carbon footprint is so much smaller, storage space is no longer an issue, my Palm T/X is backlit and I can read anywhere without bothering anyone while holding it in one hand (an issue for those with arthritis in their hands), and I carry over 500 books in my purse when I travel. Among ebook formats, I like MobiPocket best.
I used to prefer trade paperbacks but not alot of books are published in trade. So I have become accustomed to mass market paperbacks, there are also easier to carry in the purse/bag.
Congrats on your son's film success!
I prefer mass market because I can buy more books and it helps since I'm just a college student. I do buy hardcovers and trade paperbacks, but not as much. And congrats on your son's success.
Thank you, everyone, for your responses! I really appreciate it. Fresh Fiction is selecting the winner and emailing them directly. Best of luck!
who won?
i want i want
Karen in the lucky winner!
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