Sara Reyes | Starting a New Year ... in books

I always like that bit -- new books -- and there are a bunch to read in 2009. Some of the ones I'm waiting for include: KISSES LIKE A DEVIL the 5th "Devil" book by Diane Whiteside in February, RUNNING HOT by Jayne Ann Krentz, MAYHEM IN HIGH HEELS by Gemma Halliday, JUDAS KISS by J.T. Ellison, THE TEMPTATION OF THE NIGHT JASMINE by Lauren Willig, and for the "voyeur" in me, MEN OF THE OTHERWORLD by Kelley Armstrong. Just a short list off the top of my head to get the year started. Can you tell my tastes are ALL over the spectrum?
But I think I'm very similar to other readers...I just love to read...and I'm always looking for a new book, a new author, something different. Of course, I also have my comfort reads, thus explains my six copies of LORD OF SCOUNDRELS by Loretta Chase, one of which I just finished re-reading for the upteenth time this past week. And yes, I got a new copy with the current re-issue because you can never have too many "classics" in my ever-so-humble opinion! Another set of re-reads are MEMORY and A CIVIL CAMPAIGN by Lois McMaster Bujold. The new year wouldn't be complete without my Miles shot! And there is a new Miles out soon...well late 2009 or 2010 .. she's been reading chapters I've heard. But until then, I can get my Miles fix with the new VORKOSIGAN COMPANION with complete timeline, essays and more! Who knew I'd be reading a book about books I read? What a concept...
So, what are you looking forward to reading in 2009? Something you'll be re-reading? Or breaking out of your box and trying something new? And are you one of "those" who likes to count books read, pages read? Let us know!
And as a special New Year's prize...I'll give away a brand-new copy of something in our treasure trove of new arrivals! Just enter here or better yet, leave a comment!
Make that a BUNDLE of books, why only one!
Happy New Year...
Sara Reyes
DFW Tea Readers Group
Join us at Readers 'n 'ritas in 2009!
Labels: sara reyes, vorkosigan
Happy New Year to each of everyone. I hope 2009 brings tons of happiness and success.
I have such a huge TBR pile that I don't know where to start! I am, however, looking forward to the release of the next books in Robyn Carr's Virgin River series.
Happy New Year! :-)
I forgot to answer your question lol. i am really looking forward to Gena Showalter's Lord of the Underworld series book 4 to come out. I think its in May. Sooo long away.
Happy New Year. All the best of health and happiness.
I am looking forward to reading Buffalo Gal by Laura Pederson.
Since Christmas I have a large TBR pile that I will be working on. I like to keep the TBR pile up a little so I can choose what I want to read. I am reading Rachell and the Hired Gun right now and its a great read.
I also love to read and I plan to do even more this new year!
I'm looking forward to Jasmine, too. I want to try and read some "new to me" author stories I heard so much about and didn't get to in 2008. Like Patricia Briggs, Robyn Carr and a few new historical romance authors with new books this past year.
Whoa!! Peeps. It's a miracle I've got comments. Okay to work answering some of them...
...pause... it's the contest thing isn't it? hehehe ...
I have Patricia Briggs on my pile too. Pat at book club RAVES about her and she doesn't read UF usually. So must be good.
Robyn Carr... of course! She's one of the best kept secrets. Also has raving fans in the book club. Plus she's a doll in person! Heard her author talks in Nevada are terrific too!
Gena Showalter always is a good read too. Gotta put her on the list definitely.
Who is Jasmine??? Inquiring minds want to know!
I'm looking forward to Allison Brennan's FBI trilogy, Karen Rose's "Kill For Me" and Monica McCarty's Campbell trilogy. Happy New Year.
I think Jasmine refers to the Lauren Willig book.
Happy New Year. Best of happiness and success.
I have so many treasured books that I want to read this new year.
One is High tea by sandra harper. Another that I have been saving is Windswept by Ann Macela.
Happy New Year! I look forward to several of the books mentioned, especially Running Hot by JAK, Gena's next LotU book, as well as Vicki Lynn Thompson's Casual Hex. One of my goals is to get through at least a foot of my TBR pile each month lol.
dragonI wish everyone a wonderful year in 2009!!!
I am looking forward to any books of Elizabeth Hoyt's. Love her books.
Happy New Year! You mention some great reads in your post. So many books to look forward to and yet, it is great to go back to a comfort read.
duh, of course, I just think of Willing as #5 LOL
Goes to show you doesn't it, that I don't go by titles but by authors sometimes. Silly me.
Great suggestions, let me know how they are...
Happy New Year every one of us!
I can't get enough of historical romances. I'm also enjoying reading ebooks on my new Kindle ebook reader. I've already got it filled up so I need to move them to a SD card to make room for more ebooks. I've tried to take the time to keep tracked of the books that I've read but it took too much time out of my reading, LOL and didn't keep up my file. I'm going to try better this year. That is my New Year resolution.
Happy New Years! Cathryn
Yup, I agree, Cathryn, recording takes too much time out of reading ... and it smacks of "homework"
I have a pretty good TBR pile of my favorite authors as I like ot collect ALL their books and read them in order if possible. BUT I intersperse those with new authors and I rotate, Historical Romance, Romantic Suspense, Inspirational, Western, Paranormal etc etc so I keep it varied! Plus I listen to Audibles and audio books ALL the time too! I record my books in Readware so I know when I read something and whether I kept it or passed it on!
I have The Prize (Brenda Joyce) to read and I want to get Running Hot (JA Krentz) and Heart of Courage (Kat Martin) These are authors I collect to read. Just started the Duke series by Celeste Bradley - she is new to me. I recently read Annabelle's Courtship by Lucy Monroe and really enjoyed it so I will want to read more of her books. I read/listen to about 20 books a month so I could go on and on naming books I want to read!!
Hope everyone does okay through 2009!
I am of course looking forward to Suz Brockmann's latest. I'm also needing to catch up on Robyn Carr's Christmas book before the new stuff comes out.
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