Christmas is Thursday. Can you believe that? Are you ready? Is the tree decorated to perfection? The presents bought and wrapped in such a way that no one wants to unwrap the gorgeous packages, or if they do they go so slowly in an effort to save the packaging just to get crumpled in the attic later? Is the grocery shopping done, and the meal preparations begun?

If the above describes you in any way then I need an invitation to spend the day at your house! My house has no tree, and the only reason I have any sort of decoration up is because I just bought some new ones, and as I unpacked them to show my husband he strung them on the credenza and china cabinet. I also have no Christmas baking happening as I’m so not a cook, and therefore there will also be no lovely smells coming from the kitchen on Christmas morning.

So you may ask what have I done since I’ve so obviously done nothing? I entertained my friend Yvonne from England. We scoured the bookstores, had some great meals, and went to see ICE at the Gaylord Texan. Now she’s gone, and while I should pretend to be a good wife and mother and fuss over Christmas it’s not going to happen!
So, are you like me, and having a really laid back Christmas, or are you more like Martha Stewart or Rachel Ray and going full out? If you’re planning a big party can I come, because really are you going to notice one more if the crowd is that large anyway?
Wishing you and yours a very merry holiday season no matter what holiday you’ll be celebrating.
Labels: Christmas, decoration, meals, Sandi Shilhanek
Anyone who reads this and identifies with Sandi is welcome to come to my house for Christmas, because she just depressed me. LOLLOL.
Love and happy holidays,
Martha Stewart, er, Dakota :)
hi sandi,
mine has become more and more laid back as the years have gone by. mostly because of illness, but this year i just wasn't in the mood to decorate. we only have a tree up and that's because our grandson visited and wanted to help decorate it. if it wasn't for him there would be nothing.
no baking here either, but i have to fix a couple of things to take to my daughter's house for our Christmas meal.
Merry Christmas to you and yours,
I'm not even close to ready for Chanukah, which starts tonight! I just finished my holiday cards, which will go out tomorrow. And after I take a break to eat breakfast, oops, lunch, I'm heading into the attic to get the decorations (and put away the Halloween decorations!) and into the storage room to get the menorahs. At some point I have to send the kids outside to play in the snow (it's snowing) so I can wrap their gifts! So I'm a bit behind, but should be ready to make latkes tonight! :)
Hahhahahahaha! I am so like you. I have no decorations up but will by this evening hopefully. I just mailed my Christmas cards this past Wednesday and I did half the grocery shopping yesterday. I had to order a standing rib roast that won't be in until Tuesday so I'm saving the balance of the shopping for then. (Good Excuse huh?) The only baking I'm doing is making red velvet cupcakes using a box mix butter cream frosting I will make from scratch. Oh yeah we'll have home made dinner rolls with Christmas dinner. We don't do a tall tree just one that sits on the counter and no how home does not look like the ones on tv with Holiday cheer slapping you the minute you walk in the place. The inhabitants are cheery enough.
I'm, no Martha Stewart either and you'll see maybe three gift wrapped packages. Everything else has been sent in the Christmas Cards, and they were Visa gift cards. Our household is doing Christmas very simply this year!
I have nothing to do. my tree is up (has been for two years) gifts bought and in gift bags(wrapping is so not my thing, and bags are easier to reuse:-)) going over to my dad's and stepmother's house for Christmas Eve dinner (will probably spend most of day there helping clean and get food ready cause stepmother is working til 3) so I'm thinking laid back kind of day
Hey Sandi, your Christmas is somewhat like mine. I never have a tree or decorations. I try to get gifts for my mom, aunt and younger siblings, but that is it. Right now, I am sitting and checking my email, blogging here, and just watching the snow fall outside. I guess we New Englanders got the white christmas we all want. It is rather picture perfect you know. It is also very peaceful, but lonely. I think that is the first time I actually admitted that this time of year is a lonely one for me. I usually try to go somewhere so that I won't seem so alone, but it doesn't always work. I am just grateful for Jack's bar and the jungle (plotmonkeys, places I can go to be around people if I choose to. I hope that everyone has a wonderful time with family and friends. Merry, merry and Happy, happy okay...see you at the bar...
Peace and love,
Paula R.
I can't believe how fast it came up. No I'm not ready. This is not a normal Christmas for me. Normal would be, cooking and baking in my house, with the family coming over. This year, I'm at my daughters, she has decorated some, even has a tree. But she is not Martha Stewart. LOL! I have done some baking, but she will be handling the turkey cooking this year. Loved your blog Sandi.
Merry Christmas to you and yours.
The older I get the less enthused I am about the holidays. I'm spending Christmas with my mother and her boyfriend. Should be fun for him. My mother and I fight all the time. Doesn't matter that it's Christmas.
Hi Sandi...it snowed again here in CT and has made me even more lazy for some reason. I have only made one batch of cookies and will make another in a bit. My son usually helps bake but he has a stomach virus (oh, please don't let me get it) and has been sleeping all day. Let's concentrate on our families and not drive ourselves crazy trying to be something we're not. Happy Holiday to all, whatever you celebrate. Linda/Mostly Books
So I guess that means I just got invited to Dakota's! I hope this time I remember my book to be signed!
Ellen, I can't bake! I'm hopeless at it! I can't even make rice krispie treats! I hope you and your family enjoy the day on Thursday.
Qwill, I used to love reading Hannukah stories to my class when I taught. It was interesting to see them discover a totally new idea! I love lighting the candles on the menorah, and screwing in one more bulb on the electric one. Some day I'll tell you the story of my mom's silver menorah!
Livia my kids got hand me down gifts this year! That means I discounted the price of things I had and they wanted so it could be given to them as they're gifts! I wonder if they bought anything for me! If I got it in my head to head to Chicago and really freeze I might be there for homemade rolls and roast!
Christa, years ago I switched to gift bags. I thought I was being so smart until I realized that the ones I use the most are the ones that go to others, so I couldn't reuse them. I still have tons left!
Paula, I hope you have a great day! Maybe the bar will be bustling with all us scrooge/grinch types?
Glo thanks for commenting! Even when I decorated I think Martha Stewart would have been going tsk tsk tsk!
Deb, hope you have a peaceful day and no fighting!
Linda, hope your son feels better soon!
Thanks to all for the comments, and hope your holiday is spectacular!
Hi Sandi & others that visit here,
I've never been a Martha Stewart but I do enjoy the holidays. Now that my children are adults with their own families celebrating is different. One daughter & her 19 year old son live nearby. She is a CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant)and this year is working Christmas Day. We will celebrate whenever her schedule allows & that is fine with me. Spending time together is the important part not which day! My other daughter & her family live in Oregon which is a 1 hour drive from where I live. She is going to college to get a second degree which hasn't allowed her to get to much done yet for Christmas. I'm not going there. The gifts for the grandchildren have been mailed & received, they are Nick 12 & Delaney 10. My daughter said she is having trouble getting finished for Christmas with the kids out of school now. She is a wonderful cook and I know they will have a yummy Christmas dinner.
Since I will probably spend Christmas Day alone I'm thinking about getting fresh crab for dinner. Yum, Yum! So not a traditional Christmas but a real treat.
I do have a few decorations up and some candles out. There is not room for even a small tree in this small apartment.
It is raining here, no white Christmas in this area!
Everyne enjoy Christmas or Hanukkah or whatever you celebrate.
Happy Holidays,
Donna M
P.S. That is suppose to be a 10 hour drive to my daughter's in Oregon!!
Well our tree is up and the lights are on it, but that's it. My dh is baking cookies in between shoveling snow. We had rain/sleet today and it's going to go below freezing tonight. Ought to be interesting trying to go to work tomorrow.
Hi Sandi and all,
I'm not Martha stewart(in fact I hate the woman!) but I have been ready for Christmas for a few weeks now. I have bought my gifts and they are all wrapped except the sign for my FIL(I've got to paint it and finish it up) and wrapping the charms I bought the girls in the family. I love adore thrill for Christmas.LOL
This is the first year I will be cooking on Christmas Eve. It's also the first year without my mil. So it's a strange year.
Sandi you are welcome to come to my house or my mom's where I'm going Christmas Day and on the 3rd of Jan, we are having a family holiday gathering at my mom's you are welcome to come to that as well.
My Christmas is going to be laid back. It's just going to be my Mother and I so we will just have our Christmas meal and then since we have already given each other presents well we will probably be just staying and watching television. I might go and see a movie at the movie cinema(Spirit) but other then that it's going to quiet.
Sandi I used to be the big planner, but in the last 3 or 4 years that has gone right out the window. My place would be decorated, the shopping done and gifts wrapped under the tree. Now it a real effort to go out to shop or even decorate the my home. But I made an effort and put up a few decorations and have almost finished the shopping with just two days to go.
But I hope you have a wonderful Christmas, because, it's not the tree, or the cooking or gifts, its who you spend it with.
I just wanted to add Happy Holidays to all of you.
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