Sandi Kahn Shelton | Finding Characters

With my new novel, Kissing Games of the World, the main character, Jamie McClintock, showed up one morning when I was taking a bath. I was lying there concentrating on keeping the tub filled to the top with hot water using only my big toe (a delicate balance of draining and refilling which practically requires a degree in engineering and physics to keep it just right), when I noticed somebody wafting around over by the shower head, explaining to me about how she was an artist and a single mom raising her 5-year-old boy, Arley, who had asthma. They lived in a farmhouse in Connecticut with Harris, an older man famous in town for his rascally womanizing, who was now redeeming himself by raising his 5-year-old grandson, Christopher, whose father had run away.
I really appreciate it when a character arrives with her trouble already spelled out; it’s much harder to work with somebody who insists that life is just fine. And Jamie had a whole bunch of trouble. Right at the beginning, Harris dropped dead unexpectedly, and his estranged, hated son (Christopher’s father, Nate) came back to claim the house and his little boy, and move him back to California. As Jamie explained the situation, Nate was a jet-setty, arrogant kind of guy, a salesman, and his plan was to drag his kid along on his business trips and educate him in hotel rooms. Jamie went hysterical over this. (I didn’t mind; I’ve learned finally that you have to put your most beloved characters in lots of trouble, or there’s no story.) I was having lots of fun writing about Jamie’s view of this guy when one day, while I was driving to work, I heard this voice in my head say to me, “Wait just a minute. Would you just hold on a bloody second? I’d like to tell my side of things, if you don’t mind.” It was Nate.
And — well, he proceeded to take over the whole book. (Kind of like when you let a man drive your sports car for a minute. You have to be careful or you won’t get the keys back.)
At first I thought I would just give him a chapter, let him explain a couple of things Jamie couldn’t possibly know about, but then his voice was so strong, and he had such an interesting story, that he and I just kept going together. He had things to tell me about his father, and about his mom and his wife, and why he played baseball as a kid, and who he slept with in high school, and why he thought traveling and sending money was the best thing he could do for his son. He told me about his fiancée and his charismatic boss, and even some of his favorite sales strategies.
And — this is a little embarrassing — but I kind of fell for the guy. In a good way, of course. Whenever I’d be writing his scenes, it was like taking dictation. I honestly could hear his sarcastic, take-no-prisoners tone of voice. He made me laugh.
“Let me just write this book,” he would whisper to me at night when I was falling asleep. “Come on. Let’s do this together!”
I went and looked at the contract from my publisher. It said I had a book due in the category of “women’s fiction.” My editor would freak out if I called and said a guy had hijacked the book, and I’d now be writing about HIM.
So we compromised. I limited him to every other chapter. One for Jamie, one for him.
And an interesting thing happened. While his chapters were exciting and funny as hell and practically came to me faster than I could type them, Jamie realized she was being outdone and had to step up and start making her story deeper and more dramatic, too. I mean, this woman had issues. Not just the kid with asthma either. Trust problems, ex-boyfriend troubles, a wish to use her art to hide from human beings. And when little Arley ended up adoring Nate, while Christopher would have nothing to do with him, Jamie found herself actually hoping that Nate, whom she loathed, would stick around.
He didn’t, of course. Not at first anyway. But I can’t tell you any more than that. Except that it was a real ride, being in these two different heads at all times. It was fun exploring love that comes out of nowhere and slams people right upside the head, as my mother would have put it. I hadn’t ever written a real love story before. I was afraid of being too Hallmark card-ish or sentimental. You know how that can be. And honestly, there were times when I was writing this book that I thought this love story was so unsentimental that it wasn’t going to work out at all, that everybody would go their separate ways and be better for it.
But then — well, a whole bunch of stuff happened. It always does, if you’re lucky. You’re at the mercy of these characters who show up in the bathtub with you, or sitting next to you in the passenger seat of your car, or chatting you up from your pillow in the middle of the night — and suddenly they take on a life of their own, and you’re just along for the fun of it. That’s the thing you can’t ever really explain to people who think the character is really you, or your best friend, or a guy you went to high school with.
They’re nobody you know, but for a little while, they move into your head and explain life to you — and then one day you finish the book, and you look around for them, but they’re gone. And soon, somebody else is lurking by the shower fixture, saying, “Pssst. I have something to tell you…”
Sandi Kahn Shelton
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Labels: characters, Kissing games of the world, Sandi Kahn Shelton, writing
Oh, my gosh, Sandi, that is exactly how it happens with me! I just never know when a character's going to walk up to me in a mall and say, "I've got an interesting story to tell you..." Oh, got to go - I just got an idea for a new story!
Margay Leah Justice
I'm not a writer so I find it fascinating how stories/characters come to you!
I love this whole thing where characters take over. But it must be scary if they're "plotting" and whispering their plans right before you go to sleep! The most powerful time for a mind to work! EVIL I say!!!
Sandi - your characters sound like some people I need to get to know! Sometimes, reading a really good book, you think, this person could really be my best friend! Thanks for writing!
A complete character is a gem to be fussed over and admired. By giving the character readily identifiable quirks, freinds and family will be looking for themselves on every page and be sure to point out any piece that matches. As a writer, I borrow constantly from everyday people and conversations, but change things up a bit. My characters tend to visit while I'm on freeway ramps and I have to hold that thought for several minutes and try out different versions in my mind while maintaining speed.
I love a great character in a book, I get so wrapped in them that I dont want the book to end, or I want to start another book just to find out how they are fairing.
After reading your synopsis for your new book it is definitely going on my TBR list. I love how you "find" your characters or should I say they find you.
I love the way you describe this. It's just so true!
You are so right, you just never know what the character wants to do next. I really enjoy your books, keep writing!!
I love the way you describe the interactive process of writing! Just reading your descriptions left me chuckling out loud. :)
What a neat post! I enjoyed reading how your story came to be, browsing around your website and learning more about your work. I'm adding your new book to my wish list.
Wow, what a complex way those characters evolve and emerge. This convinces me that I am a reader and not a writer. Great post!
I'm not a writer but when I read a great book my mind usually has a movie like vision of what I'm reading. I hear their voices and see pictures of what the author has described (I just hope that it is the same vision the author has, LOL). That is why it is usually hard for me to put down a great book and end up reading until I finish the book (and wishing that the book would never end) or fall into a totally exhausted sleep. ~Wanda
PS: I also do the same thing in the tub with the hot water and toe thing, LOL.
Oh, thank you so very much for all your wonderful comments! I'm so slow getting back to this site--New Year's and all.
Margay, it's fun to hear that this happens to everybody else, too.
Karen B,I suppose it is fascinating the way these characters follow us around trying to get us to write about them.
Sara, YES! It does have that whispery feel of plotting evil, especially when they're trying to keep us from going to sleep.
Kelli Jo, thank you for that! They were fun people for me to hang out with during the time I was writing the book. Sometimes I kind of miss them...and their troubles.
Sunnymay, you are so right. Friends and family are always trying to figure out who is who and why you wrote something precisely that way. You try to explain to them that it's all fiction, but of course characters have their roots in people you know oftentimes, and no matter how much you disguise them or make them a composite of many people, my relatives and friends ALWAYS think they're the ones! I had to laugh about the freeway ramps--what is it with characters that they always choose the most inconvenient and dangerous times to show up??
Sarabelle, I'm the same way. When I'm reading a book, I LOVE to get involved with the characters. I feel as though they're right beside me.
Judy, oh thank you! I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Julie, thanks so much!
jjsweep, how nice of you to say. I definitely plan to keep on writing--just as long as characters keep coming to visit me in the bathtub. LOL.
ellia08, they often make me laugh, too, showing up the way they do!
Kammie, thank you. I hope you'll come and visit often! I love to get comments.
Kaisquared, it's good to have good readers! Thank you for coming by.
Wanda, I know just what you mean. I'm always seeing books I love as though they were movies. You hear stories, though, of writers who hardly recognize their own work once it's been made into a movie, so I bet no two people really picture the same thing. Thanks so much for coming by and leaving a comment.
And to all of you, Happy New Year!
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