Sandi Shilhanek | My Reading Resolutions for 2009

Every year there’s discussion in my yahoo groups about resolutions. Some people make more personal resolutions about things such being more fiscally responsible, getting healthier by exercising or watching their diets. Some are making resolutions about their TBRs and/or potential reading choices.
Last year I attempted to do an alphabet challenge. This was to have had me reading at least one book by an author whose last name started with every letter of the alphabet. I was doing fairly well at this, and even had been told who to read for X and Z, but then I lost my list of what I had read and gave up. This year I’m going to attempt it again, and can use those authors from last year’s X and Z challenge, because I haven’t read those books yet. I knew procrastination was good for a reason!

So, now you know what I’m going to attempt with my reading. I want to know what your reading resolutions are. Would you also like to share your personal ones as well, and perhaps we can form a little support group and cheer one another on during the year.
DFW Tea Readers
Readers 'n 'ritas... celebrating literary obsessions
Labels: alphabet reading challenge, donna kauffman, Laura Griffin, reading challenge, Sandi Shilhanek
wow, Sandi, I've never heard of such challenges before. Picking a random word then hunting down a book with it in the title. And the "alphabet" one. I have enough trouble just trying to keep caught up by author. Obviously I'm missing out on something here.
We'll talk...sara
My New Year's reading resolution is the same as last year. Try to read more new authors. This year I want to try to get into E-books. I keep seeing some really interesting ones.
Eeek. Thanks for the reminder. I need to read a book by this month's author. As for resolutions, I'm gonna go with the classic of getting healthy. It is soo happening this year. I even took the icky "before" pictures on Friday.
I am going to try to make more time for reading. I hate that my monthly reads have dwindled down to about 5 a month. That's a big enough aspiration for me! LOL
OMG, Summer, really! That is determination!
Good luck and best wishes, honest!!!
Summer I think you're so brave to have taken that icky before picture! Good luck, and since you're working so hard at it, can I have your dessert?
Janet, I hear you about the slower reading months. In September or so I just knew I'd read 100 for the year. Then I hit some books that just didn't do it for me, and there went all my motivation, and I only read 89 last year. I don't feel too bad, but at that rate my TBR won't reduce hardly at all!
Debbie, good luck in getting into the ebooks. There are several authors who I've recently discovered that got there start in ebooks, so someday I might go back and try their backlists.
Hope everyone has a happy new year, and good luck with your reading!
I don't make New Year's resolutions. I read when I have time but wouldn't want to create any goals around resding since it's pure pleasure for me!
Happy New Year!
Sandi great post. I haven't done any resolutions this year. Too much going on.LOL
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