Sandi Shilhanek | Discovering a New Author

Do you have an author that you can remember having to glom? I know that I was late to the party on several very popular authors. One that comes to mind is unfortunately no longer writing, but when she wrote I had to head off to the closest store and get everything she had written. Now I envy the person who is just discovering Lavyrle Spencer because she has a finite backlist!

Now…how do you feel about backlists? Do you have to own everyone the author you’ve just discovered has to offer? Do you read the blurbs and only pick the ones that totally appeal? Do you even (imagine me shuddering as I typed this) ignore the backlist and just move on to the current work by a new favorite author.
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Labels: new authors, Sandi Shilhanek, TBR
Moi? I just dive right in. Because if there is something that interests me about a book or a recommendation, I need to start immediately. Then if I love the book and I find they have a backlist, I go get the backlist.
I'm one of those weird ducks that can read a series out of order. I hear those gasps!!!
I didn't read fiction for 10 years plus so there were a lot of new to me authors. I was thrilled when I found all of Maggie Shayne's Twilight backlist. I'm still in the process of filling in older books in series I started years ago and did not continue to read. I have books everywhere and am again finding little or no time to read. :(
If I really like the author, I have to have the entire backlist. That's how it was with Julia Quinn. I think I discovered her a couple of books in on the Bridgerton series and had to go back and get the rest. That's why I hate discovering new to me authors late in the game - with some of them, that can be a long backlist!
Sandi, it is really strange that this was your topic this week after our conversation yesterday about Robyn Carr. I started her Christmas book yesterday and quickly decided I need all her back titles especially the Virgin River series. So, now it is off to the book stores and or online to see if I can find the rest. But I am like Sara, I can read out of sequence, just don't like to if I can help it.
If an author has a new book out and it is part of a series then I go to the backlist and see what books goes with it and then try to get them all before I would read the newest one. I love to read Sandra Brown. I also love to read the blurbs for it does help me decide what books I want to buy to read.
Once upon a time, I did a HUGE amount of glomming. I loved going to UBSs and thrift stores and collecting. Now I hardly ever do. The two UBSs in the area each did something to turn me off. Luckily for me I already have thousands of books so I probably already have that book I need! That really helps since I'm one of those anal people that wants to read things in order!
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