A young busy mother of two, I look at my twelve-year-old son and a soon-to-be nine-year old daughter and wonder, “where did the time go?” Like many parents, I often get nostalgic while looking at old photographs or remembering when they were born. Now that they are getting older, I cherish moments with them even more, realizing how fleeting time is. It’s funny because there are times when I’m feeing overwhelmed and I’ll say, “I need a break.” We’ll make plans for the children to visit relatives for while and once they’re gone, I miss them terribly. Like now, my daughter is out of town with my husband’s sister and niece. The original summer plan was for her to attend day camp along with my son, but

there was a waiting list for her age group. Seeing how she was number sixty on the list, we didn’t have high hopes of her being enrolled. I’d wanted both children to attend day camp so I could write during the hours they were gone and then we could do “fun stuff” together when they came home. Well, with my daughter home with me during the days, my plans to get a lot of writing done went out the window. Through I have tones of work to do, I didn’t think it would be fair for her to be cooped up in the house on nice summer afternoons while I hovered over the computer. So, the plan changed for me to get my work in whenever I could fit it in. Thus, when my sister-in-law asked if my daughter could come stay with her for a week, I’m like “Cool!” Immediately I thought about all the work I’d get done while she was out of town and my son attended day camp. I did get some things done, but I wasn’t really as productive as I’d hoped to be. I spent a lot of time thinking about the things she and I would do when she got back. I would often say to my husband, “I miss her.” (I know she misses me as well, but she’s hanging out with her cousin and they are only five months apart in age, so I’m certain she’s not pining away for me.) Though I’m eager for her to return home, I must admit, I have enjoyed aspect of her being gone - I’m not refereeing arguments between her and my son. I seriously needed a break from that! LOL!!!
Yolonda Tonette Sandershttp://www.yolonda.net/Labels: caree, children, writer, Yolonda Tonette Sanders, Young Mother
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