Yasmine Galenorn | Things That Go Bump In The Night & Other Delights

Scared of the house or not, that didn’t detour me from falling in love in love with the paranormal, and from becoming a total fantasy/SF freak. When I was five years old, I stumbled over Dark Shadows and went nuts over it. I’m not certain why my mother let me watch a vampire soap opera but wouldn’t let me watch ‘the man with the funny ears’ (Spock, on Star Trek, which started the same year). I have a feeling she didn’t fully realize that Dark Shadows was about a vampire.

But before ST:TOS was over, I was watching Kirk, Spock, and my favorite—Uhura, take on the denizens of deep space. And every Saturday, I settled down in front of the TV for the Science Fiction Double Creature Feature, immersing myself in Godzilla, The Day the Earth Stood Still, War of the Worlds (and no, we’re not talking Tom Cruise’s version, we’re talking the real thing here!), The Valley of Gwangi, The Creature from the Black Lagoon—all those incredibly riveting old movies that I still love today. In fact, just last night I hauled out the DVD of Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
I knew I wanted to be a writer from the time I was three and had been making up odd little stories from the day I could string sentences together. I learned to read early and my loves ran to volcanoes, dinosaurs, and…would you believe it? Yep! Fantasy and science fiction. The Space Cat series by Ruthven Todd was one of my first discoveries—I just loved that adventuresome astronaut cat. And thanks to a non-restrictive policy allowing children to check out books from any section of the library, I sped through the fantasy and science fiction section. I ploughed through Asimov, Clarke, Pohl, and my favorite to this day—Ray Bradbury. I cut my teeth on The City and the Stars, I fell in love with Something Wicked This Way Comes and The October Country. By the time I was ten I knew that I didn’t care all that much for Heinlein, but I was nuts over Clifford D. Simak.
As time went on and I left home, I discovered Anne McCaffrey, Marion Zimmer Bradley, JRR Tolkien, Jack Chalker, Joan D. Vinge. And later on—Ben Bova, and Greg Bear, among others. I added them to the growing list of writers I admired, but I also began to branch out in my reading, moving into other areas. But my love for F/SF never diminished, nor did my determination to make it as a writer in that genre.
Fast forward to my first book contract. In 1996, with seven novels hiding in my closet (and trust me, they’re still there), I received my first contract. Not for fantasy—or SF—but for a nonfiction book. Of course, the nonfiction was connected to my love for the paranormal. It was a book of guided meditations. But I didn’t care—I was ecstatic I’d finally gotten my foot in the door. Soon, I thought—soon I’ll find a home for my fantasy.
Eight nonfiction metaphysical books later, I landed an agent and she found a home for my eighth novel—a paranormal mystery, of all things. Now, I’d never planned on writing a mystery but that’s what the book turned out to be. So I wrote two mystery series for awhile, thrilled to be telling stories again instead of writing nonfiction, but still wanting to break into my favorite genre. In specific, urban fantasy.
And then, a few years ago, I sent in a new proposal. My editor loved it and my agent negotiated a contract for me for a third series—this one urban fantasy/paranormal romance. And so my bestselling Otherworld Series (aka Sisters of the Moon Series) was born. And I finally felt like I was ‘home.’
Now, as I’m starting work on the seventh book of that series—Bone Magic—the fourth one is about to hit the shelves. Dragon Wytch will be out on July 1st, and it’s my twentieth published book! Best yet, I’m still head-over-heels in love with writing this series. I’ve finally found an outlet for my wild, over-the-top imagination. And my readers seem to agree: what I knew when I was three years old—that I needed to write fantastical stories—was right on target.
So tell me, what’s your favorite genre? What do you love to write and/or read? Has it changed since you were a child, or have you had a lifelong favorite?
*waves at Yaz*
You definitely have found your way home! I love the Otherworld series, and Dragon Wytch is my favorite installment so far.
(Except for Night Huntress, but no one's supposed to have read that, so shhh... You know I have a soft spot for Delilah.)
I'm an omnivorous reader and write across genres - and mediums! - but there's almost always magic and/or fantasy elements in my work. I suspect that's because those elements play such a strong role in my daily life, too. *grins*
Waves at Yazza as well -
Hey, gorgeous:
It's so great that you've found the sisters - or the sisters found you. Sometimes I think that the characters in our books are the ones we wish we had in our families - I know that sometimes mine are.
Yazza, you totally rock, and I've learned so much from you. The Otherworld series is incredibly addicting and I can't wait to pick up the next one. I just know you're on a trip straight to the stars with this series.
My favorite has always been fantasy involving magic. So now that they've thrown in paranormal it includes sci-fi, mystery, gothic, romance, and a lot more genres. I've gone through phases of reading only westerns or other specific genres until I'm bored of them but always go back to the magic of paranormal and fantasy where anything can appear.
Thanks, Lisa, Kate, Annette, and Sandy!
Yeah, there's just something about the fantastic/magical elements--they bring the books to life. :)
I'm with Lisa, Yaz, you've found your place big time and you look very at home there too.
I read most genres, but it's paranormal that I inhale and love and write.
Great post! Love the books. Can't wait to read the new ones!
Madly waving HI Yasmine.
So I've been getting Fresh Fiction newsletter's on a daily weekly basis.It gives me the opportunity to read excepts of book's Introduce me to new author to try or watch out for. Today WAS my LUCKY DAY because I got YOU.I read the excerpt FOR Dragon Wytch loved it. I followed the link to your blog which told me more about you as a person what you like to write so now Im on high alert to find all The Sisters of the moon series.I think I hear Amazon calling my name.
Of late my reading has been S Kenyon, Karen Marie Moning ,J R Ward a few others I dont have a set personal choice But I think I will enjoy these Just as much.....
The only bad thing is My TBR pile that I thought was going down will now be Huge Again;-} I'm loving that...
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