Jenna Petersen | Accidentally Dark: Or I Didn’t Mean to Make Him Alpha

They are wrong.

So how did this happen? How did I go from being a reasonably happy person with a high sense of the absurd and the amusing to writing super dark romance?
I tell you what, I blame the men. That’s right, it’s not my fault, it’s my heroes. You see, I tried my hand at a few light stories in the dark days before Avon came calling. I sat down and I told myself that there would be no angst. There would be no brooding. There would just be a nice, normal, sexy hero with a sense of humor.
And then he whispered to me, “By the way, I accidentally killed my brother three years ago. I’ve never quite gotten over the guilt.”
No!!! Bad hero. BAD. You aren’t supposed to be wracked by a guilty secret. You aren’t supposed to be torn apart and broken by emotional turmoil. And yet, as soon as he said that… I knew it was true. And it made him far more compelling to me. Although that story never sold, ten books have and all of them feature the common thread of a emotionally tortured hero in one way or another.

Well, that’s just enough to make any man dark and brooding, isn’t it?
So, as a reader do you like the tortured, brooding, darkly sexy hero? What do you think draws us to these alpha male types? And is there a twelve-step program for writers who are addicted to tormenting their characters?
Labels: Alpha Male, Heroes, Historical, Jenna Petersen, Romance
Love, love, love tortured heroes. I can't help but feel rather protective of them. No question, in RL it would probably be a nightmare, but in a romance, the pay-off is so worth it. Keep 'em coming, Jenna :)
Thanks so much Stacy! :)
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