The Reader and the Book Club...

My favorite part about being a member of a book club is when we can all get together--over a great cocktail--and talk about what our favorite books of the past month have been. We do our book club a little bit differently than your usual Oprah book club. Instead of everyone being assigned a mandatory book, we each read what we like and "swap" books over tea or dinner. Doing it this way allows everyone to learn about a hot new author, or even rediscover an old friend. Either way, everyone always leaves our meetings with arms over flowing with new adventures. A few of us have even been known to sit in a cushy chair outside of the restaurant and read a recently traded book after a particularly serendipitous meeting! Everyone reads something different, and everyone always leaves satisfied!
I always invite anyone I meet at a signing, PTA meeting, or at doggie daycare to join us for a book club meeting. Of course, many of them respond with a polite "I don't read very often." And my response is always the same: "you don't have to read now, but after a few meeting with us, you will start!" Being a part of a book club makes even the most apprehensive reader embrace something new, or find out that she had never been reading what she liked to begin with! It's so amazing when someone sees reading for pleasure as pleasurable!
As the summer sun pushes us into the shade, remember that good friends and good books make a fantastic couple!
My Book Club.
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