Dianna Love | Walk the Land

I like to walk the land every time I can to pick up details we don’t see in a casual passing or on the internet. When Sherrilyn Kenyon and I were writing our new romantic-suspense story PHANTOM IN THE NIGHT (Pocket/June 10, 2008) last fall, we spent time in New Orleans (NO) surveying areas specifically for the story in spite of our joint knowledge of Louisiana. Sherrilyn knows New Orleans well since her Dark-Hunter series is set primarily there, KCON (Kenyon Convention) is in or around the French Quarter each year and she lived in NO at one time. I had family in Louisiana at one time and still do in Biloxi, Mississippi, plus friends in NO. I’ve fished from many of the coastal Louisiana towns along the Gulf of Mexico and had a business in NO at one time, so Louisiana has been a favorite location of mine for many years.

I have a paranormal novella coming out this fall that leans heavily toward fantasy. The setting is midtown Atlanta, Georgia – not far from where I live in Peachtree City. Even though I’ve lived here for many years and visit midtown quite often I still spent time walking through Piedmont Park just for the story, visualizing major scenes then traveling between different locations to get a good feel for time and place. But one setting is under a mystical mountain that is part of the actual Hindu mythology, another blend of mythical history with fictitious properties. I hope you’ll get a chance to read MIDNIGHT KISS GOODBYE (in the Dead After Dark Anthology by St. Martins Press/December 2, 2008) to see how I used real locations with fantasy elements.
~ Do you have a favorite story setting?
~ Did you ever read something that felt so real you wanted to go find that location…and did you try?
~ Have you read about a paranormal, fantasy or futuristic location you’d like to visit? Please tell us.
Visit my ONE DAY ONLY blog contest for a chance to win a copy of PHANTOM IN THE NIGHT. Two winners!!
Dianna Love
Dianna Love writes a romantic-thriller series with #1 NYT best seller Sherrilyn Kenyon. For more on PHANTOM IN THE NIGHT and Dianna please visit www.authordiannalove.com/, and for information on Dianna’s nonfiction book Break Into Fiction™: Power Plot YOUR Novel coming out in 2009 visit www.breakintofiction.com/
Labels: Dianna Love, locations, paranormal, research
Congrats on your book release.
Yes, most definitely.. I have looked for books in locations I would recognize. I started the Riley Jensen series by Keri Arthur because it took place in Melbourne (Australia.)
I didn't realize but two books by Kristan Higgins had settings that I was very familiar with and added to the enjoyment as I could easily visualize the story.
My favorite settings are those set in places I've lived or visited often - if they're well done. That familiarity helps the book's reality take a hold on my mind.
I've never tried to find a location in a book, but sometimes I hope one will happen upon me.
Hi, Dianna. So you live in Peachtree City? Tell me, do you ever travel by golf cart on the paths? I live in Fayette Co. :)
I do like to read books that take place in cities where I have been. I like being able to recognize the places mentioned in the book. I also long to visit new places that have been the setting of some of the books I have read recently, like London and Venice.
Hi Ann -
I know what you mean about adding to the enjoyment. I love to pick up a book and be surprised that it's a familiar location.
thanks for stopping by,
Hi Liviania -
I never thought about looking for a location in a book until I started riding cross country on a motorcycle. My husband is a good sport when it comes to "let's see if we can find this" and loves an adventure.
thanks for sharing your thoughts
I look forward to your next book.
As far as settings go, don't really mind if it isn't of a place I know but really look more for does this setting/place make a perfect fit with the story line and does it help
Really enjoy this genre
Hi Cheri -
I just jumped back on and see where my post to you yesterday did not appear. I don't know what happened since I posted that one at the same time as the first two.
Anyhow - yes we drive a golf cart to the grocery store and to pick up a movie. It's great that so many people there use a golf cart as an extra vehicle - cuts down on engine emissions and less pavement so that we're several degrees cooler than cities around Atlanta that are 45 miles north of us.
Watch out for a location in Fayette county to show up in a future book...that's all I"m saying. "g" I hope to meet you at an event when I'm home (I'm in Ohio at the Lori Foster reader event right now).
thanks for posting!
Hi Cheryl -
You are so right. When I wrote Worth Every Risk, the Ft. Lauderdale and Miami setting was important for several reasons but one significant one was the tropical storms that blow up in late summer. Other reasons had to do with the hero's occuption (DEA agent) and water.
The same thing with Phantom In The Night. The mystique of New Orleans played a role, but also how the city is recovering from Katrina yet still has issues with understaffed groups.
thanks for stopping in to share your thoughts.
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