Linda Conrad | Why Do It?

But as I was sitting here at my desk, my mind wandered off (as it usually does,) and I began thinking about why I write at all. As I have said before, I hate to write. Really I do. Oh, I love telling stories. I love getting into the heads of my characters. I love doing research. And I love finding just the right word to make a sentence sing. But the process of sitting my back end into a chair and shoveling out the words makes me want to cringe. In fact, right now I am avoiding beginning a new work that has a looming deadline date.

If my father was still alive, he might be surprised to find that at this point I have written twenty-three books (all in the category lines for Silhouette.) Many times while I was a teenager he would look at me with my head in the clouds and call me lazy. He couldn’t see how I would ever accomplish anything when all I ever did was daydream.
My mother knew better. She was the real reader in the family. I can remember as a little girl being frustrated with trying to get her attention only to find that she was so absorbed in a book she couldn’t even hear her name being called. I can do that too, by the way. Get lost in a book.
Mother knew in her heart what I should do, even when I didn’t. In high school she nudged me toward creative writing, but I was so wrapped up in earning a living that I couldn’t see my way clear to giving it a try. Not me. Nah uh. I became a stockbroker. I did fairly well at it too, but I was never totally happy and I didn’t know why.
Not until my mother had a stroke. My father was gone by then and I became Mom’s main caregiver. I took a leave of absence from my job and worked with her everyday. She could no longer read or watch TV, her eyesight betrayed her. So in an effort to make her hours more pleasant, my sister and I found books on tape. But that wasn’t a perfect solution either. Her mind wandered too much. In fact, she began daydreaming stories about all of us. So I went along with her and helped make up the story lines. While she was in the nursing home, the nurses would become fascinated to hear our stories. The hours went by quickly and I found I enjoyed entertaining people by doing what I’ve always done—daydreaming things in my head.
Still, I might not have given it a second thought if in the week before my mother passed away she hadn’t asked me to consider writing books as a career. She knew how much I loved giving others pleasure and taking them away from their troubles for a while. And bless her heart, she was just positive I would be good at writing the stories down. I didn’t know it for sure, and my husband was completely unconvinced. But I made the promise and then did my best to make it happen.
So to all of you mothers out there, nudge your children to do what’s in their hearts—even if they can’t see it. And to all of you dreamers out there, I’ll be the mother and say maybe it’s time to stop dreaming and make it happen.
I dream in Technicolor and with dialog and scenes fully formed. What do you dream about?
With all my very best,
Linda’s latest release from Silhouette Romantic Suspense is Safe With A Stranger, now available on stands and online from, Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please visit her at for the latest news, extras, contests and a complete Behind the Book description of The Safekeepers series!
Labels: Intrigue, Linda Conrad, series, silhouette
What a moving story, Linda. My own mom just passed away on Mother's Day weekend. She was an avid reader who introduced me to many romance greats like Victoria Holt and Daphne Du Maurier. She too lost her sight sometime before her death and was really lost without her books.
She always encouraged me to write my own stories and never made me feel like I should pursue a more "sensible" career. One of her dreams was to see a book of mine in print. Although she didn't make it that far, she did live long enough to hear that I'd signed a contract for the publication of my first novel. So I guess in a way, her dream came true - and her lifelong encouragement of me has helped me realize my own dreams.
Thanks for a very inspiring story!
Hi Lynn,
So sorry to hear about your mother's passing. That's really difficult. One of the most difficult things we humans must endure.
But I'm really glad she had the opportunity to know you had a contract. Mine didn't live that long, but I have to believe she knew me well enough to know I would do it.
Glad you are getting to follow your dreams! Just keep dreaming.
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