Kimberly Killion | Curse it!

"God's Hooks"
'''Ods toes"
"Piss 'n nettles"

Of course, part of the fun is making up expletives. I used 'Piss 'n nettles' for one of the secondary characters in HER ONE DESIRE. I tossed words around for days trying to fit 'John' with the perfect expression. Not only does a character tend to use a favorite expression, but also favorite sayings, like: "Are ye wowf, man?" Simply from the way it's written, the reader might be able to guess its meaning. 'Wowf' was Scottish slang used to describe someone who might be insane, crazy, mentally ill or deranged.
Along with researching forms of speech, I often mull over a character's nervous tick before I ever start a book. (Sometimes for days at a time) I like to know as much as possible about a character before I write that first line. The heroine, Lady Lizbeth Ives, in HER ONE DESIRE is a bit skittish.(You would be, too, if you were the daughter to the Lord High Executioner.)'Lizzy' twists her sleeves and counts when she is nervous or afraid which adds to the humor of the book as well as the tension. In turn, a more3-dimensional character has been created.
Another bit of research I truly enjoy is coming up with creative words for particular body parts. While you might be able to guess what a pillicock is or maybe even a set of cullions, can you guess what a nock is? Or how about a twanger or tewel? I'll give away a signed copy of HER ONE DESIRE to the person who can reveal the answer at my -
Since I'm in a celebratory mood, I'll be picking two more commenter's names at random to win a copy of HER ONE DESIRE. Thanks for joining me today! Now, tell me what's the most memorable expletive you can recall ever reading? Or, if you're an author, what curse words did you use for your characters?
If you would like to know a wee bit more about HER ONE DESIRE, here is the back cover blurb:
Astride a stolen horse, encircled by the shackled arms of Broderick Maxwell, a Scottish spy escaping certain death in the Tower of London, Lizbeth Ivesrides to the north, hidden by the merciful darkness. By stealth and by cunning, the daughter of the Lord High Executioner has undone her father's cruel work, compelled to save the innocent man with her. There is no turning back-they are bound as one in his iron chains. Consumed by mortal fear, driven by passion, they disappear into the night.
A single raven follows them. Is it an omen? Or only the first of those who would capture them? They must ride on. If captured, they will face death together. But if they reach Scotland, he will claim her for his own. forever.
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Happy July!
Kimberly Killion
Labels: Kensington, Kimberly Killion, Medieval, Romance, Zebra
Hi all and thank you to Fresh Fiction for having me here today. I'll be at work the majority of the day, but will pop in and out to say chat.
Have a great Tuesday...
Hi Kimberly. Great blog post. One expletive that I found interesting is:
"Odin's ballocks"
Hi Kim!!! I'm not sure if I remember anything "really" nefarious, but "bollocks" always makes me grin. Esp if the heroine says it. *LOL*
Hi Crystal and Hellion!
Ahhh...the infamous bollocks. I guess the comparitive contemporary term would be, "Oh, nuts!" LOL
Thanks for stopping by...
I've always wondered about this subject. Learn something new everyday. :) wowf?
I wish I had some of my books here.-
Not unusual but I love in Suzanne Brockmann's Gone to Far, Alyssa telling Sam he was going to need a f*ck-etomy when he was around his little girl.
What is funny is people know I'm really annoyed if I say sh*t. I normally say 'sugar' or 'sugar honey ice tea.' :)
How about Odd Socks? (just kidding).
Hey, Theresa!
Get wowf is a saying I'm trying to brand. I think it's kind of catchy. Like "Get Crazy"!
Hi, Ann...well, that is definitely one you don't hear everyday...
Odd Socks, would work if God wore sock I guess. I'm picturing that in my head and have to say, it is quite an image. LOL
My heroine in The Accidental Demon Slayer has trained herself not to cuss (she's a preschool teacher), so I had to find other options for her. My favorite is h-e-double-hockey sticks.
The nuns at school kept track of all those word origins. One wouldn't let us say Hello. She said it was the greeting of the devil straight from h-e-double hockey sticks.
Odd socks is what I get almost every time I do the laundry. That does deserve an expletive.
I know someone who says "Oh toads!" Her inventive substitute curse always makes me smile
Kimberly, Great post! I'm too fond of expletives and as a Girl Scout leader had to replace them. At camp, a lot of "aarrgh"s could be heard!
Hi's a unique book when you have the words 'demon' and 'slayer' and the heroine can't even say the word HELL. LOL
Too funny...can't wait to read it.
Hey Barb!
I had no idea 'Hello' came from the devil. ;-) And I have the same problem with laundry and socks. It's like the washing machine eats them.
Megan...I teach as well and one we use is "Cheese and crackers got all muddy." Just say it fast and slur it, you'll see...
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