We all do it every day of our lives. We handle the cooking, the cleaning, the job, the boss, the mustard spilled down the front of the white blouse just as we’re ready to leave the house, the sick parent, sick child, sick hubby or self. A shattered glass. A shattered dream. A mountain of laundry that seems to be growing exponentially. Carpool, car accident, kid throwing up in the car. We handle things that are bigger, or smaller. Things that get under our skin and stay to irritate, like sand in your bathing suit. Things that are so huge they would dwarf a whale. We handle them because we must. Is it always easy? No. But we do it nonetheless, sometimes with gritted teeth or a heavy heart, and sometimes with hard won grace.
Which means there’s a little kick butt heroine inside us all.
So what exactly is the kick butt heroine? She’s a woman who copes with anything that is thrown at her. It isn’t always easy for her, but she faces down the challenge before her and finds a way to surmount it. Physical strength is one weapon in her arsenal, but she’s also smart and wily and she finds her backbone even when she’s shaking so hard she can barely breathe. She has failings and weaknesses, and she’s smart enough to both recognize them and turn them to her advantage.

My July release,
HIDDEN, has such a heroine. She’s a genetically enhanced super-soldier who’s been kept prisoner and used as a lab rat all her life. At one point in the story, Tatiana is described as a combination of “waif and warrior”, and that description is apt. She’s survived horrors in her life and she’s on a mission to complete her three-step plan to kill the monster that held her prisoner and save the Northern Waste from the plague he developed. She’s both incredibly brave, and incredibly afraid. She can withstand the subzero temperatures of the Waste, hack through bone with her bare hands, and take out a small army without breaking a sweat. But more than that, she faces down her frailties and weaknesses and fears and meets each day, each challenge, with all the strength she can muster. And that puts her solidly in the kick butt category.
Just don’t make her cook a meal.
Please visit
www.evekenin.com/ or
www.evesilver.net/ for more information on
HIDDEN and other
Eve Kenin /
Eve Silver books.
Happy reading!
Eve Kenin /
Eve SilverLabels: Eve Kenin, Eve Silver, heroine, kick butt, Urban Fantasy
I love those kick-butt heroines. Not just because they are physically strong, but because they use their brains and common sense to overcome adversity, and they are not dependent upon a man to save the day. I think they set a good example for readers - you can take care of yourself, you don't need to rely on anyone else, and you can certainly find happiness doing it. Plus, they are so dang much fun! *g*
Good luck with your latest book, Eve. I hear nothing but good things about your Kenin books :)
There can never be enough kick-butt heroines in world. We need more people who use the bad things that happen to them as springboards to make them stronger and better rather than using them as a crutch for explaining away their failures. Looking forward to the next installment!
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