Gerry Bartlett | Forget those resolutions! How about a revolution?

Enough of looking back. Time to look ahead. To a new year. And I vowed a long time ago to never start another year with resolutions. They last just long enough to give me a serious case of the guilts. You know those resolutions. One: Lose weight. Yeah, right. I stick to that diet just until temptation crosses my path. Writer, know thyself. And when a chocolate chip cookie calls my name? Gerry answers.
Second same old, same old: Get organized. Sure. Just as soon as I find that box of color coordinated folders I bought in 1998. Oh, and the label maker. Love the label maker. But I lost the directions in 2002. Yup, I’m an organizational nightmare.
So forget the resolutions. It’s on to the revolution. I’m revolting against all the “shoulds.” Gerry “should” get up and go to that 6:30 (in the morning?) boot camp exercise class at the Y. Gerry “should” write for eight hours a day—not go out to lunch or hit the mall for that third pair of boots. Gerry “should” eat sensibly—eat the sacks of salad instead of letting them go mushy and brown and then tossing them. Gerry “should” break up the dust bunny orgy going on under her couch.
You get the picture. Some of those “shoulds” are more important than others. But there’s no need to torture yourself. I do need to exercise. But that 6 p.m. circuit training is a heck of a workout and one I might actually get to. If it’s a matter of my livelihood (that writing thing), maybe it’s time to examine my priorities. Lucky dust bunnies, you’re off the hook. Party on. The bottom line is that 2009 has got to be better for me and for you. Are there areas in your life that need your attention? Take care of yourself first. Sometimes we forget that we’ve got to be our own number one priority or we can’t be there for the others who might need us.
Gee, now I’m sounding serious, not like the funny girl who gets vampire Glory St. Clair into trouble in REAL VAMPIRES DON’T DIET. Not to worry. If you need a chuckle to take your mind off the winter blues, there are plenty of them with Glory and her friends. That was one book Hurricane Ike couldn’t soak with salt water. It wasn’t in print yet.
Have a safe and prosperous new year and, if you want to start off 2009 with a new book, leave me a comment below or click here for a chance to win a Barnes and Noble gift card.
Gerry Bartlett
Labels: gerry bartlett, vampires, vampires don't diet
Gee,that's terrible about your shop! I hope that 2009 is a far better year for you!!!
Your book sounds fun! :-)
I'm sorry about your shop, Gerry! But it's back up and running, right? So that's just as good. ^_^ Oh, I know what you mean about the books! I nearly cried when one of my dogs tore up one of my favorite Romances because I was ignoring him. I like your philosophy on "should"s. I've never been big on New Year's Resolutions either. A bag of Doritos and a tub of Mint Chocolate chip ice cream that for some reason nobody in my house has touched? I guess we can only last for so long! ... I've never heard of dust bunny orgies... and now I'm worried about what's going on under my furniture. I hope 2009 goes much better for you! And make sure to get going with the 5th book! XD Don't hurry too much though! I'm sure us writers know what happens if a story gets rushed. >.>
Just think of all the new books you nee to buy now. You must force yourself!
And when a chocolate chip cookie calls my name? Gerry answers."
Love it! Yeah, there are some foods that talk a little too loudly and get me into trouble.
I think the world needs more funny books and authors. If the cookies make it happen, I'm all for it!
The is really bad about your shop. Hope this year is much better for you.
I don't to the resolution thing either. Seen too many people break them and then feel really guilty. :-)
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that is a real setback. I wish you all the best of luck and success for this year. Stay well and thanks for this special post today. I try to maintain goals and hope to be strong.
Thanks for the terrific post, Gerry! Best wishes in this new year, and boy, when a chocolate chip cookie calls, you'd better believe that I'm listening, too :) No extreme resolutions for me this year, just an ongoing goal to get rid of some of the clutter!
Gerry, thanks to you I'm turning my "shoulds" into "should nots." That's right - reverse psychology. I'm a two year-old in a sagging middle aged body. Here's a cyber toast to 2009 and to Real Vampires Don't Diet. Can't wait for the next Glory installment. Cheers!
Real Vampires Don't Diet sounds great! Love this series!
Like I said on your other blog, I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I have the same problem with organization. I mean, where do all those dust bunnies come from?? They multiply overnight! Think I'll have to join you on the warpath myself, including eating the healthy food I buy that ends up becoming compost.
i bought yogurt and water and lots of sugar free jello, ( only 20 calories)
but i just cant seem to be able to get the first day started and kept right, without cheating before a hour is up
kids with candy bars, and such, and me with jello
well i loveeeeeeeeeeee chocolate
not sure how to start and hold to it
i really do want to be healthy and lose weight, to help my back and knee, but im also a stress eater
im soooo not happy and the anti depressons dont help and they double the dosage but still , i just want to cry and or rage
and my kids are not getting the childhood they should with my mood swings
and here i am rambling on and on, sorry
o i do love your books and glory is who i would love to be
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