First, thanks to
Fresh Fiction for inviting me to be here to blog about
Bride by Command, which will be officially released tomorrow. It’s always great to get out and “talk” to readers and other writers.
Bride by Command is the final book in “The Emperor’s Brides” trilogy, which has sent Emperor Jahn of Columbyana on a reluctant quest for an empress. There are two potential brides per book, and naturally, by the third book in the series many of the brides are spoken for by other heroes. At one point I joked with a friend, as we walked around the neighborhood and talked plots, that I should title this one
Empress by Default. :-) At the time, the working title was
Unbreakable, and as you can see I ended up with a title somewhere in between.
Click here to read the rest...Labels: Linda Winstead Jones, Romance, trilogies
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