FreshFiction...for today's reader

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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Diane Whiteside | Once Upon A Time in A Place Far, Far Away

Historical authors always write about someplace that can’t be seen or felt by their reader. For KISSES LIKE A DEVIL (just published in February 2009 by Brava), I always knew Brian, William and Viola Donovan’s second son, would find his true love in turn-of the-century Europe. But I wanted it to happen in a fictional country, not someplace well-known where I’d have to walk the straight and narrow path of rigid locations and dates set down in an almanac. No, I wanted the fun of making up a country’s map and history all on my own, just like I would for a fantasy. Yes!

I decided to call it Eisengau, or “Iron Mountain” in German. Quite suitable for someplace that made topnotch guns and cannons, then sold them to the rest of the world at big time prices.

Click here to read the rest of Diane's blog.

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At February 26, 2009 6:04 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I've been to Finland and hope to go back. Would I ever want to see something different happen? Well, I wish I knew the language *g*

Also Scotland I would love to visit, and actually see the Loch Ness monster. Wouldn't that be something? But if not Nessie, I'll take Gerard Butler ;)

At March 01, 2009 7:42 PM , Blogger Elizabeth Amber said...

Hi Diane!

Congratulations on the publication of Kisses Like A Devil. How fun that you created your own country!

Elizabeth A
Dominic, The Lords of Satyr (March 2009)


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