FreshFiction...for today's reader

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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Natale Stenzel | Between a Rock and a Heart Place

First of all, thank you, thank you to Fresh Fiction for hosting me here today. I love visiting this site for scoop on all the latest romance novels by my favorite authors, so I'm thrilled to be blogging here on the release day for BETWEEN A ROCK AND A HEART PLACE, the third book in my series of funny paranormal romances.

As you'd guess almost immediately upon reading the back cover blurb for this story, my heroine Daphne Forbes receives a truly unwelcome gift: renegade puca powers. Oh. Well, that explains everything. Or maybe not? A puca is actually a fantastical character derived from Celtic and British mythologies. In some traditions, the puca is a shape-shifting trickster who preys on travelers; half faery and half human, the creature has a distinctly mischievous, even malicious bent. Does my version of the puca accurately reflect all the mythological accounts? Some of them. Others I cheerfully warped and expanded to suit my own needs. The pucas in my stories have three specific powers: mindspeak (mind-to-mind communication), glamour (creating illusion/molding the thoughts of humans), and shape-shifting.

Click to read the rest and enter Natale's blog contest.

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At February 24, 2009 6:28 AM , Blogger Stacy~ said...

Hey Natale, great to see you here :) Hmm, I guess if I could shape-shift, I'd want to be a tiger, which is my favorite animal. I wouldn't necessarily want to have that killer instinct, but to be able to slink around like such a beautiful animal would be incredible. At least that's what I'd hope :)

At February 24, 2009 8:27 AM , Blogger gNat said...

Hi, Stacy! Nice to see you, too. Yeah, a tiger would be cool: power, speed and attitude. Good choice*g*.

At February 24, 2009 8:50 AM , Blogger Jeanette said...

I think I would be a fat happy housecat, who enjoyed those wonderful times cuddled up with my sexy owner. Of course, for obvious reasons, I would prefer my human form at times as well. And then there are always those platters of cheese, bread with Italian butter, and a good bottle of wine that would be difficult to enjoy without being the other me.

At February 24, 2009 10:44 AM , Blogger Jessie V said...

congrats, natale!! if i could shapeshift, i'd like to be an owl. i love their eyes and neck, and their beautiful wings.

At February 24, 2009 11:15 AM , Blogger gNat said...

*g* Just going down my mental list, see if I've covered any of these in my books. This is actually really cool*g*.

Jeanette, I bet you can find some cat owners who tell you their felines enjoy that cheese, etc., just fine in kitty form*g*. yeah, I'd rather be human, too. Especially if the hero's hunky*g*.

Thanks, Jessie! Owls really are elegant creatures, aren't they? And yet quietly predatory . . . wheels turn . . .*g*

At February 24, 2009 6:00 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

your book rocks!

At February 24, 2009 9:48 PM , Blogger gNat said...

LOL! Thanks, blackroze!

At May 12, 2009 7:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your book sounds so great! I love paranormal romance. I am definitely putting it on my reading list. I just came across another book you might enjoy called Forbidden: The Temptation. Fast-paced plot, delicious characters, and sizzling hot sex. It was a fabulous read.


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