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Sunday, March 01, 2009

Sandi Shilhanek | Typical Reading Choices

This week I somewhat succumbed to peer pressure. I have decided to request two books from the library that are outside my typical reading choices. Since I’m not sure I will enjoy the books I’ve selected I’ve also decided to do them on audio, as I tend to use my audio selections for those books I deem outside my comfort zone.

Now, I’m sure you’re interested in knowing what books I’ve requested. I’m going to listen to Water For Elephants by Sara Greun and The Lace Reader by Brunonia Barry. Have you read either of these?

Is there a book that you’ve heard a lot about and thought I would never read it, but finally the hype has you so intrigued that you decide to find a copy either in print, electronic, or audio, and read it for yourself? What is it about the hype you’ve heard that makes you reach for the book? After you’ve read that book outside your comfort zone do you find yourself more willing to read more by the author, or is one enough?

Happy reading and listening to all, I look forward to your comments.



At March 01, 2009 10:49 AM , Blogger Qwill said...

Since I have so very little time to read I read what I like to read. I'm pretty eclectic though. My TBR is a big mix though it presently leans heavily toward the paranormal, which I've been reading for about 40 years!

Let us know if you like the 2 books.

At March 01, 2009 7:40 PM , Blogger Elizabeth Amber said...

Hi Sandi,

Thanks for the suggestions! Honestly, I think I could spend 24 hours a day reading (and love it), but never get to every book out there I'd like to try. These both sound interesting, though, like you said, they're out of my typical reading choices as well. I think I'll give The Lace Reader a try.

I've only read one book on audio, can you believe that? I'm just not in the car for long periods, or anywhere for long periods. I'd like to read more books that way though.

Thanks again,

Dominic, The Lords of Satyr (March 2009)


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