Thanks to
Fresh Fiction for having me today. I’ve had a terrific weekend with the release and signing of my second Harlequin American Romance,
The Fake Fiancée. One question I’ve been asked at book signings that tickles me is, “Why did you keep writing?” (I hope the person asks this before they’ve read my work!) If you aren’t familiar with my story, I started writing when my kids were toddlers and didn’t get published until after they became teens. During this time, I finaled in several “prominent” Romance Writers of America chapter contests, had requests from editors to whom I pitched my work at conferences, and even landed on the senior editor’s desk. All to no avail. I guess it could be called a “lucky” thirteenth year when I sold.

So why did I stick with it? Stubbornness? Blind faith that someday I would sell? Well, maybe the first explanation. Because for six years, I’d lost the belief I’d ever see my work in print. Those were dark times. It wasn’t until one day when I had “people” in my head again that I realized the characters who usually inhabit my waking hours had been AWOL. Even my family commented how much happier I seemed. I made up stories for people I’d see on the street (bank robber, runaway bride, demon in disguise…) and realized I hadn’t been doing that either. My everyday creativity was back from its hiatus.

To paraphrase author Barbara Scott (Cast a Pale Shadow), when you have a block you just have to bulldoze through the wall, which in my case meant: keep writing. That’s what I had done. Without believing I’d sell, I wrote. Without characters or imagination, I wrote. (Gee, I wonder why nothing sold during that period!) Without creativity in my everyday life, I wrote. Eventually, I broke through the wall--which made the sell of my first book,
Marrying the Boss, to Harlequin all the sweeter.
I doubt my story is unique.
Think Man of La Mancha or
The Little Engine That Could. I often say my most valuable writing advice came from Winston Churchill: “Never, never, never give up.” Please visit me at
http://www.megankellybooks.com/or at the Harlequin American Romance authors blog,
www.harauthors.blogspot.com/. And if you have something you really want, really NEED in your life, keep striving for it!
Megan KellyLabels: dreams, harlequin, Megan Kelly, writer
See persistence pays off :) If you gave up, there would be no book, and that would be sad.
Good luck with your new release Megan.
Thanks, Stacy. You're right; if I'd stopped writing, I'd never have gone back to it again.
I'm almost finished with The Fake Fiancee and I'm glad you persued your dreams.
Here's a problem? Now when I think about being persistence,I see my face on the front of Thomas the train. "The little engine that could" Thanks for that. Like I don't have enough caboose behind me. LOL
Hi Megan!! :) I'm going to have to post your little stories above my computer. With bolded: KEEP TRUCKIN', SISTER. (I suddenly have that Dorothy Parker line in my head: change one letter and it's the story of my life...) Okay, not quite. (It'd be two letters. Kidding, kidding.)
I needed YOUR story, because I just got done reading Kim's tale of promotion and if that's not something that will break you out in hives and reaching for Prozac, nothing will.
Now I better go back to writing before you yell at me. :)
Hi Megan, I read your blog yesterday on the Pirates and came over here and found this blog which either shows me that there is a big ol' camera documenting my every move a la The Truman Show or Fate has decided to knock on my doorstep, once again.
I'm voting on the latter, of course. *g*
Your blog could not come at a better time. I feel like I've been getting closer and closer but no cigar. And last night, after a rejection that hit my harder than most, I wasn't thinking about quitting but it made me think about if I would ever get published and push the ever-so-persistent Doubt right in the forefront of my mind.
Because, it is hard getting published. It's hard getting an agent to take notice of you and your work.
But, stories such as yours give me hope. If I keep at it, it will come. Hopefully. And God willing.
Great success story, Megan. Perseverance paid off indeed, for you. I think the best lesson is that you did what you felt the call to do - not doing it to be published, as it were. When you started hearing the voices again you went with your gut and started writing again. It reaffirms my belief that if you do what you love success will follow. And success is different for everyone. Sometimes it means getting a contract. Sometimes it just means writing "... and they lived happily ever after."
Your story is a great motivator!
Kimberly, sorry about the train pic in your head. Jeez, if I took responsiblity for all the stuff in your head,... :) Loved your book!
Hellion, I hope the tale of my persistence rubs off! Just sit down and write. Ignore the voice in your head that says it's too hard or it takes too long. You're a writer--you HAVE to write. It's that simple and that complex. Thanks for stopping by.
Hellion, I forgot to say, "Get back to your writing!" LOL
Good to see you here, Megan! Best of luck with your new release!
I don't think I realized it was 13 years. Stubbornness, er, persistence, pays. :)
Stubborn....maybe that trait is coming in handy! My kids are grown up---I just hope I get published before the grandchildren do, LOL! So glad you've got all these books for me to read.Great inspiration! Are you going to SF (alas, I am not)?
Elyssa, Thanks for stopping by. I'm so sorry to hear of the recent rejection. Ouch. Those are hard. I have mine, including a form letter with a "Dear Author" salutation. Now that hurt. You're allowed a few days to pout and rant, then take a week before you pull out the rejection. Does it give you any insight to the reason your work didn't fit? And remember, that's ALL they're saying: this particular piece doesn't fit their needs at this time. Might be they just bought something similar. Might be they're shifting the voice they want. Might be they're secretly closing the line. All happened to me! As well as my writing wasn't ready for publication. After your week has passed, look at the rejection letter. What can you learn? Are they open to a revised version of your work or to another ms from you? Keep your spirits up. We've all received rejections, and there may be more coming my way. Being published doesn't mean they'll love everything I write from here on out. Please keep me posted on your progress. megankellybooks@aol.com And keep at it. The only sure thing in this business is that you'll never sell if you don't write!
Dear Irisheyes, Thanks for posting. You said it perfectly. I sometimes think of Gene Kelly doing "Gotta Dance" but in my version, it's "Gotta Write!" Love your name, btw.
Marnee Jo, Yes, it was a looonng road. I wanted to write since I was seventeen, but didn't start seriously until after I had two toddlers. Now my "babies" are teenagers, although I'm not sure how that happened, and I'm finally an overnight success. :) Just proves the road may be long and bumpy, but it does lead somewhere.
Maggie, Yep "stubborn" is my new password! It's gotten me this far, anyway. Next stop is SF for the RWA conference and my first Literacy signing! I'll be one of 450 authors in the room, but just being there, among such company and some of my favorite authors will be such a thrill!
Bulldozer Scott here. Thanks for the plug, Megan. Interesting you would adopt the Gene Kelly refrain and change it to "Gotta write." For me, lately it's a bit from another movie, Dorie from "Finding Nemo." When all else fails "Just keep writing, just keep writing."
Actually, the rejection was a very nice one...it was from a publisher who had a full who had good things to say about my story. But the publisher just didn't care for the plot.
It was a very nice, not-form rejection letter and had praise in it. But alas, it was still a rejection at the end of the day.
And I'm stubborn, too. I allowed myself a good cry last night and today, I was like, okay, it's a rejection...like I haven't had those before, so get back to it. LOL.
Hello Megan! *waving madly*
We have to stop meeting like this. LOL! I love this story. These are the stories that keep me going. And make me feel better about when I might publish. I've only been at this a short time compared to most. The fact it's okay not to take the publishing world by storm right away is somehow soothing.
I got one of those emails today where you answer tons of questions and forward it to your friends. When the question of goal came up, I typed publication without even thinking. That's the first time I've done that. And I realized I meant it!
Thanks for being an inspiration and congrats on all your success! See you in San Fran.
Barb, Dorie's quote works too! I like it. Whatever gets the pages written. Thanks for stopping by.
Oh, Elyssa, I'm so glad your rejection wasn't as awful as I'd thought. Maybe there's something in the wording that will explain why the plot didn't work for them. In the meantime, consider whether the story would work for another publisher, then get the next query out. Congratulations on only taking one day to dwell on it. :) I doubt I was ever that mentally healthy. Good luck placing it elsewhere.
Hey, Bo'sun, glad you dropped by! If my story is somehow inspiring, I"m glad. It's so much fun to KNOW you want to be published. Sure, it's a dream, but not really unattainable after all. One just has to keep at it and wear down all the editors. ;) Just kidding.
Thanks to everyone for posting and to FreshFiction for having me here. Please visit my website www.megankellybooks.com or email me at megankellybooks@aol.com. Good writing for those who do, and Good reading to everyone.
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