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Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Karin Tabke | The Holidays Are Here!

And I’m still full from my turkey induced coma of last week, have done no shopping and don’t plan to. What am I going to do this holiday season? Read. And read some more. Funny thing that. Thanksgiving night I was going a bit stir crazy wanting a good book. One with a hot alpha, who had hot alpha friends, and who meet up with a heroine who was like no other woman any of them had ever encountered. I was stumped because this story also had to have mad passion, conflict and angst. I looked over my to-be-read pile and still could not quite find what I was looking for. Then I looked down at the box that had arrived from my publisher Simon and Schuster the day before. I knew what was in it, and I smiled. There in that box was a true love story that still haunts me almost 8 months after I wrote it: MASTER OR TORMENT, book two in my Blood Sword Legacy series. This story is of Sir Wulfson and Lady Tarian Godwinson. It is without exception a story of my heart and soul, and it transcended the pages. Reviewers love this story, readers are panting for more, and well, I couldn’t help myself. I grabbed a copy, went downstairs and stayed up until 6 the next morning reading. I loved it more. While I love writing my contemporary hot cops, there is something different about the Blood Swords, something more primal. More is at stake and these brave proud men must fight not only their own longings for love and acceptance in an era where bastards were looked upon as less then whole men, but they must carve out a place for themselves and their lady love and begin a legacy that will transcend time. They always make me sigh. What is the Blood Sword Legacy?

The Blood Sword Legacy

Eight mercenary knights, each of them base born, each of them bound by unspeakable torture in a Saracen prison, each of them branded with the mark of the sword for life. Each of their destinies marked by a woman.

‘Twas whispered along the Marches that the demon knights who rode upon black horses donned in black mail wielding black swords would slay any man, woman or child who dared look upon them. ‘Twas whispered their loyalty was only to the other and no man could split them asunder, nor was there enough gold or silver in the kingdom to buy their oath. ‘Twas well known each of them was touched not by the hand of God but by Lucifer himself.

‘Twas also whispered, but only by the bravest of souls, that each Blood Sword was destined to find only one woman in all of Christendom who would bear him and only him sons, and until that one woman was found, he would battle and ravage the land...

If you love proud, handsome knights in black armor whose passion runs deep and swift and the ladies who bring them to their knees, this is the series for you. I love writing the stories of these eight Blood Swords. Each knight is unique but bound to the other by blood and suffering, and to their ladies they are bound by their hearts and souls. Set in the tumultuous time of William the Conqueror’s England the stories are gritty, hard hitting with passion woven throughout every scene and through the hearts of the heroes and the heroines who love them. I sigh each time I think of them and their stories. Whether you love contemporary or historical romances, the stories of each Blood Sword is a testament to love conquering all. I invite you to pick up a copy of MASTER OF TORMENT, and see for yourself.

I’ll also be giving away a signed copy of MASTER OF SURRENDER, book one that unleashes them all into your heart at my ONE DAY ONLY BLOG contest.

I also have a question: Does time period matter or do you always fall for the love story regardless of where and when?

And since ‘tis the season, I want to wish you all a safe and joyous holiday!


MASTER OF TORMENT, Pocket Star, Out Now!

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At December 02, 2008 6:21 AM , Blogger Stacy~ said...

Wow, your books sound amazing. I know my pal Laurie is a big fan. I've read a few of your hot cops and want one of my own *g* I enjoyed "Skin" a lot.

I think if the story is told well, that it doesn't matter if the setting is on Mars in 1301 because it's all about setting the mood and making it believable and real for the reader. If I'm drawn into it, and have been captured by the emotion and connection between the characters, then I am an extremely happy reader. I will say I love learning about new places and times in history, so if an author sets it in a time period not so frequently explored, that only enhances the story.

At December 02, 2008 9:16 AM , Blogger Brandy W said...

I don't think time frame matters when it comes to books for me. If it is a great story then I'll fall in loved regardless and probably wish I was there too.

At December 02, 2008 11:21 AM , Blogger flip said...

I love historical novels. It does not have to be a special time period. I want a great story. M.M. Kaye wrote about colonial India and I loved her stories. I have read great stories featuring all time periods. I do love the medieval period.

At December 02, 2008 11:34 AM , Blogger Maureen said...

I like all different time periods but it's really the characters that make me like the book.

At December 02, 2008 11:51 AM , Blogger Christa said...

You'll be a new to me author. I have Have Yourself a Naughty little Santa written down for one of my holiday reads.
To me time perionds don't really matter. For me it's the characters that make the story and the plot line

At December 02, 2008 11:53 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I love history so along with the passion and romance if there is something I can learn about the era I am reading then I can enjoy any time period/

At December 02, 2008 11:56 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

You'll be a new author to me, but as I'm a mamber of one of the same yahoo groups as you the comments I've been seeing there about this book have intrigued me.

I have to agree with others that while I have my time periods that I prefer as long as the story is well written and entertaining it doesn't matter, and I'll fall in love.

At December 02, 2008 12:11 PM , Blogger Renee said...

I'm a history buff. I prefer Scottish tales, followed by medieval, then a good sweeping Regency.

I'm not real big on Victorian, although they are growing on me. Westerns- not too much, but I'm giving them a chance.

Your stories sound intriguing and right up my reading lane.


At December 02, 2008 1:23 PM , Blogger Kimberley said...

Wow, I can't wait to read this book...I loved book 1 of the series..Definitely a keeper series!

In answer to your question - time matters not, if the story grabs your attention. When I read the back of the book and the story grabs me - I don't care what the era, genre or length of the book is. It is the story that matters. I always gravitate to the authors I have read and liked but I will not put blinders on when it comes to reading. I have found so many authors and great reads by being willing to step outside genre classifications...I utilize RT magazine and go to the publishers' websites to see what the upcoming books are. My reading motto is: Don't be afraid, try something new-a book is a terrible thing to waste!

At December 02, 2008 3:17 PM , Blogger Karin* said...

Hey, everyone! Thanks for stopping by. Stacy thanks. for me MASTER OF TORMENT was just one of those books that just well, it all came together from word one.

And I'm lucky girl, I have my own hot cop at home, but I wouldn't mind meeting one of my guys!

I'm with you in liking to learn interesting facts about new time periods. I've earned a lot reading romance!

Bray I completely concur! A good love story will transcend any time period. As readers we really lose out by not being open to other time periods.

Flip, I'm not familiar with MM Kaye, but I read a book years ago by Katherine Sutcliffe set in India and loved it!

At December 02, 2008 3:20 PM , Blogger Karin* said...

Maureen, it is all about the characters isn't it?

Hi, Christa. NAUGHTY SANTA was a joy to write and the reviewers have been very sumptuous with their praise. Enjoy!

Pat? History combined with passion? Voila. MASTER OF TORMENT! ;)

At December 02, 2008 3:27 PM , Blogger Karin* said...

Hi, Sandi! Glad you are intrigued. :) And like you, I just love to read a book where I sigh and realize I have fallen in love. Isn't a wonderful feeling?

Renee, have you read Monica McCarty? Fab fab fab Scottish historicals.

Kimberley you read MASTER OF SURRENDER? :) So glad you enjoyed.

And your reading motto should be practiced by more readers. I will admit that in the past I have been a bit closed minded when it comes to certain genres, but books with vivid characters and a vivid story is just priceless and we do everyone an injustice by not giving it a read.

At December 02, 2008 3:34 PM , Blogger Renee said...

Thanks Karen. I thought I had one of hers around here in my TBR. I must have loaned it out. If I can't find it, I'll definitely look her up.


At December 02, 2008 3:45 PM , Blogger MAGolla said...

Hey, Karin! *waving wildly*
You know I LOVE your Master stories, and can't wait until the next one, Master of Craving, hits my hot little hands!

At December 02, 2008 4:34 PM , Blogger Melanie Atkins said...

I'm getting copies of your books later this week, Karin. Borders will love me. Can't wait to read them.

At December 02, 2008 4:50 PM , Blogger Edie Ramer said...

Karin, I've read MASTER OF TORMENT and agree with everything you said. It's a can't-put-down book that left me panting for more. I can't wait for the next one!

The time frame doesn't matter to me. I like to skip around. If I read one type of book all the time it would bore me.

At December 02, 2008 9:45 PM , Blogger Mary Marvella said...

As usual you make me smile with your sassy self. Your books make me smile and hot damn! what an education for an old lady.

At December 02, 2008 10:12 PM , Blogger ChristyJan said...

Karin your Blood Sword Legacy series sounds wonderful!
In answer to your question ~ time period doesn't really matter, but I do have my favorites and they are mainly historicals and western historicals.

At December 02, 2008 11:20 PM , Blogger Karin* said...

Margaret, you'll love hunky still-waters-run-very-deep-in-this-guy Stefan de Valrey who is the hero in book three MASTER OF CRAVING!

Thanks, Melanie, Karin will love you too!

Edie, I'm so glad you loved the story! I still sigh when I think of Tarian and Wulfson.

Hey, Miss Mary! I aim to educate!

Christy, I love a meaty sexy western set historical. Not nearly enough of them out there and I have no clue why New York shies away from them. I started one years ago and would LOVE to finish it and see it in print.


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