This last Wednesday our book dinner group got together. As always is there any better way to forget the horrors of the day job than by getting together with some of your closest friends to discuss not only the book or author of the night, but also what made the day so horrific.

This time our author of the hour was
Linda Howard. Of course who can resist
Linda Howard and the chance to visit with her even if it’s over the phone, so we had new members to join our group for dinner. Overall the group tried really hard to be on their best behavior so that the newbies wouldn’t be scared off. I would say that for the most part we were very well behaved, though I can only behave for so long before I just have to blurt something!
O.K. I digress
Linda Howard was awesome. How could she not have been? I think it’s really hard to find an author who really appeals to a group as diverse as ours, and if I remember correctly everyone in the group had something they wanted to ask or just tell Linda.

Every time I leave the book dinner I go home inspired to dig through my TBR and see if there’s an unread book by the author who we chatted with. If there is nothing by the author then I have to hit the store and buy the book we discussed.
What inspires you to try a new author or a book by an author you might have read in the past and not been particularly impressed by?
Labels: book club, Linda Howard, Sandi Shilhanek, TBR
Sandi, I think word of mouth is the best way I find a new author or even one I was not impress with the first time. Like at Wednesday dinners, we talk about our favorites and many times I have gone out the next day to hunt their list. Sometimes I wish I hadn't but most times I will end up reading all their backlists and then eagerly waiting the next book.
I think a lot of new authors that I have tried have been introduced to me because I picked up an anthology that had a favourite author(a lot of blame here goes to Lori Foster). Also reading a lot of the short stories eg.. Ellora's Cave has Quickies, Amber Quill has Amber Briefs, Harlequin has Spice Briefs, Nocturne Bites, Historical Undone. I find reading a short story lets me get a taste of what that author's writing is like.
As for giving an author another shot well I just figure not all that author's book can be award winning so if a lot of hype has been raised about the book, I'll give it a try.
Linda Howard started me reading romance back in the 90s. I adore Wolf and his pack of kids.
What fun to visit with her.
Linda Howard is impressive any time though I will admit I only reread her category romances. Trying new authors is not something I often do. If it happens, it is because someone from one of the list I'm on is greatly impressed by an author so I'll give her/him a shot.
Word of mouth is one of the ways I try new authors, novellas too and just browsing book stores does it. The Krispy Creme pudding sounds great but I hated that book LOL
Most of my recommendations come from other readers or on a blog I read regularly. Just a few minutes ago I finished reading one of Cindy Gerard's Bodyguard books, a series I am enjoying a great deal. She was a "guest" blogger on one of my "must" read blogs which lead me to reading one of her books. Now I am hooked, once I finish this series, only one more book to go & I have it, I will start her newest Black Ops series. I love trying new authors as well as always reading books by the authors I considered must reads!
Another good subject for all of those of us that are avid readers & for those that only read sometimes.
I think I will try a new author for a number of reasons, a) if the story sounds great, b) if the cover pulls to me for some reason, c) if friends or others that I know have similar tastes keep talking about it, and finally d) if the book gets such BAD talk that I can't resist finding out for myself if it's really that bad.
I will reread a favorite author all the time and as for ones I've tried and not found to my tastes, if I met the author and find them to be just outstanding in person I'll try them again, or if I keep getting told "but this book is soo much better "Or you just have to try this one" then I'll try again, but mostly likely not buy it new.
hugs, and great post.
Hey Sandi, as usual great blog. I think word of mouth from the yahoo group I belong to or an anthology are the best ways to get me to read someone new. Something short and sweet to tempt me to look further. Though I freely admit that a good blurb on the back can work as well.
When it comes to re-trying someone that I may not have liked its going to take some pretty good recommendations.
Hi Sandi:
I've gotten a lot of recommendations from the yahoo groups, basically word of mouth, and from people who I know enjoy the same type of books as myself.
I've also got a few blogs that I visit now and am always picking up new book ideas from that online resource.
Hey Sandi, I'm jealous! Would have loved to have been at the book party. Even though I'm sure I read a few of her romances, I got into her single titles a few years back when I started listening to audios. Now she's an auto buy.
On your question, its mostly someone's recommendations (either word of mouth or on the boards). I have sooooooo many I haven't read, I don't usually buy something new any other way. Now, when I'm listening to audios, the library's choice is a little limited, so if I don't see one by someone I normally read, I have to venture into unknown territory. So far, that hasn't worked out too bad (even though I've had rec's from others their while searching). The bad part about the audio, is now I have new authors I want to buy! Like I need that?
Linda Howard is one of my must read authors. I would love to have been there when you had your meeting.
Belonging to a reading group (online or in person) seems to work best for me. Also when you strike up a conversation at a booksale or bookstore...I've discovered a couple new authors this way. And lastly family members! It's great when they discover a new author and pass on the book(s) or vice versa.
Of course with you and Jackie...I will never run out of recommendations :) Tina
By reading different blogs on books or by blogs by authors and by a yahoo group.
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