Tara Taylor Quinn | Pie Day

Satisfied that all seemed fine, I happily, and with a huge amount of relief, delivered my pie to the oven. Set the timer. And waited. Aromas started to waft. To fill the small space. Great aromas. I'd done it. I'd made an apple pie.

I had a little trouble cutting it into pieces. I couldn't get the knife to go smoothly through. Couldn't get the pieces to come apart in a clear slice. I forgave myself. I was woman - not perfect. I'd learn to cut.
I served. And then I sat. My own piece of pie lay untouched before me as I waited for all to take their first bites. I watched for reaction. People chewed, and smiled through their chews. Nodded. And chewed. It must be okay, I thought. They were so busy enjoying my wonderful pie that they'd tell me about it when they were done. They didn't want to talk with their mouths full.
I figured I might as well fill my mouth, too. That way when they told me how great the pie was, I'd have an empty mouth with which to accept their praise. I took my bite. I chewed. Once. And stopped. All I can say, as I look back on that moment, is that those people, whoever they were, must have loved me an awful lot. Or at least were nice enough to not want to hurt my feelings. I, suddenly, wasn't all that fond of myself. Nor was I feeling kindly toward me. As soon as that slimy, slightly sharp edged thing hit my tongue, I spit the pie out. Right there in front of everyone. And announced to the table that everyone else was welcome to do the same. I can't remember if anyone did. Or if everyone did. What I remember was the one Thanksgiving in my life where there was no dessert. And it was all my fault.

What? My head flew up. I hadn't read anything about peeling apples. I went for the cookbook. Opened it to the proper page. See, there was no place there in the directions that said to peel apples. No place. It didn't say to peel apples. I did just what the directions said. It didn't say to peel apples. Well, the voice said, (or some rendition thereof) you just kind of know you have to peel the apples first.
Maybe that's why the whole four pie tradition started. If one is screwed up, there's always another one to offer. A chance to redeem yourself.
And if all four pies are great. I've got another reason to be thankful on a day of giving thanks.

I've got the pie thing down. I'm fairly confident that when my house is full on Thanksgiving day with many family members, from out of town and in town, I will be serving up four delicious pies. I've had more than twenty years of practice. And actually, I'm not making all four of the pies. We started a new tradition last year. Tim and I and my mom gather in the kitchen. We have all utensils and ingredients before us. We listen to me ask who wants to make what kind of pie. And then we have a race to see who finishes first. In this race, it is best to finish last. Whoever finishes first has to start on the dishes.
Today is pie day. The official start of the holiday season. Today I'm thinking about all of us, striving in a difficult year to face our challenges successfully. While there might be changes in some of the lavishness this year, I look forward to the holidays with a new awareness of just how important they are. Whatever surface trappings are or are not there, what remains is the point. To love and be loved. To find the joy. And to remember to be aware of and thankful for the things that we have that cannot be taken away.
With that in mind, I wish all you a successful holiday season.
And to the one I love with all my heart who will not be with me on Thanksgiving day, I pray that you are healthy, happy, and feeling loved.
Tara Taylor Quinn
Labels: Pies, Tara Taylor Quinn, Thanksgiving
Ah, those early experimental days of cooking. I'm one of those who will try out a new recipe ON Thanksgiving-- and yesterday's reaction to my sweet potato souffle' was much the same as the reaction to your first apple pie. I was the one who finally said it:
"Not a fan of the sweet potato souffle' this year."
My husband joined in enthusiastically-- then added-- "And the stuffing's heavy, too...but it's good, it's good!"
I will be glad when I have been doing this whole Thanksgiving meal thing long enough (yesterday was only my 2nd time hosting) that I have tried-and-true recipes that everybody liked. And hopefully I'll be able to keep track of the actual recipes.
Beth Fehlbaum, author
Courage in Patience, a story of hope for those who have endured abuse
Ch. 1 is online!
Those are gorgeous pies! I gave up after my first two attempts and settled for cookies and bars as my baking.
We discussed the ability to make an entire Thanksgiving dinner as the the mastery of cooking. I made sure both of my children could do a whole dinner and told them recently. If you can do a T dinner you can cook anything with confidence!
They had to learn the basics of cooking -- preparation, roasting, sauteeing, browning, baking and most importantly, TIMING so everything is on the table, hot, at the same time!
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