Tracy Wolffe | Traditions

For Desiree, keeping old traditions and making new ones was often a matter of necessity—playing hardball in a man’s world often requires a blending of following the herd and blazing new trails. For me, unlike Desiree, keeping traditions—or making new ones—has been largely about choice.
One holiday tradition I love is baking a huge number of cookies with my mother—and my children—on the days leading up to Christmas. Of assembling trays and passing the cookies out to all my neighbors, who have come to depend on the tradition as much as we have. Two years ago we were late passing out the cookies, and when I finally made it around my neighbors all breathed a sigh of relief and told me they’d been afraid I had forgotten them that year.
I also love filling my house to the brim for the holidays—with friends and family and acquaintances who don’t have anyone else to celebrate with. It’s a tradition I learned from my mother, who learned it from her mother and nothing thrills me more than putting on a huge buffet at Thanksgiving and Christmas and New Year’s and feeding thirty or forty or more people. At the same time, I love that Christmas Eve is all about my immediate family—my husband and children and mother and I go to Mass and then out to a fancy restaurant to celebrate the holiday (and a meal that I don’t have to cook ;)
And one last tradition I can’t do without—one that I started a number of years ago and hope to pass on to my children. The tradition of service, of giving to those who don’t have the family and friends and support system that I have. At least once every couple of months—not just during the holidays but throughout the year—I make a point of taking a bunch of food to my county’s food closet and of volunteering to cook at one of the many soup kitchens in town. So far, it is only my oldest son who comes with me, as the others are too young, but as they grow I hope to make it a family affair—one that helps my children understand that not all kids have Wiis and Nintendo DS’s and that not having Playstation 3 because their Playstation 2 works just fine does not make them underprivileged.
So, what traditions do you observe every year? Have they been passed down from your parents and grandparents or have you started them as you became an adult?
Tracy Wolff
Labels: harlequin, relationship, Tracy Wolff, traditions
Wow, I'm not ready to think about Christmas yet!
I love the idea of getting your family involved in doing something nice for others, especially those less fortunate. So many of us are so lucky, and now with the economy so bad, I think we're starting to see what it's like more than ever to live paycheck to paycheck, but that there is always, always someone worse off than we are. It's an important lesson to teach your children, one I hope they learn from and carry on to their own children.
Happy holidays :)
Thanks, Stacy. I know how you feel-- I'm in shock that it's almost Thanksgiving. That my Christmas book is on the shelves is kind of surreal . . .
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