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Sunday, November 09, 2008

Sandi Shilhanek | Reading Slump

Over the course of the last few weeks we’ve discussed many different things, and hopefully they’ve been as entertaining for you as they have been for me, but what’s on my mind this week might be a tad depressing.

At the beginning of a new month my yahoo groups discuss what they read the previous month, and what new books they’re anticipating during the current month. It’s one of my favorite times to see what books I might have missed out on, and what books I might not be aware are coming.

For October I only read four books. To me that’s a tad depressing. I know I can read more than that. Why didn’t I? The only thing I know for sure about that is that you don’t know because you’re not me, and weren’t there for my various moods, real life moments, and perhaps poor book choices. Do four books when I can read perhaps as many as 10 in a month constitute a slump?
Of course I want you to say no…four books is great you’re not in a slump. I only read three books, so you did one better than me, but realistically that’s not going to happen, so I’ll probably have to suck it up and admit to being in something of a slump. Now to figure out how to get out of it!

Here’s where I’m open to suggestions…what do you consider to be a reading slump? What do you do if you find yourself in one, how do you get out of it? Maybe the four new books I bought this afternoon will bring me out of mine…who knows, but I’m off to explore the shelves to see which book is going to be the slump breaker for me!

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At November 09, 2008 10:11 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find myself in reading slumps for various reasons...real life hits hard or a bit moody (one direction or the other) and can't settle down with a book or worst of all the books I have don't grab my insterest.

If any one of these happen and I can't seem to pick up a new book I reread a comfort read. An author that really hits my buttons and I enjoy reading no matter how many times I've read it in the past.

That's why I never get rid of any of my books. I have thousands of books I've read over the last 25+ years. Sometimes reading one or two comfort reads will get me back in the reading groove again.

At November 09, 2008 11:58 AM , Blogger Kea said...

I consider myself to be in a reading slump at the moment. I have work and other issues that are weighing heavily on me; therefore, I lose interest in my to-be-read pile, I'm impatient to get through the book I'm currently reading, or I give up on it (if I really don't like it).

For me, the best thing to do is let it go. Do something else. Pick up my knitting needles (I need some wool). Do crosswords instead. Read some of the magazines I have piling up.

Eventually I'll be in the mood to read again--and have fun with the stories.

At November 09, 2008 12:02 PM , Blogger Becca said...

I do a lot of rereading when I'm in a slump -- my most recent rereads are the novels by George R R Martin (A Song of Ice and Fire series).

I find that the slumps tend to happen when I'm stressed and stretched to the limit on things.

At November 09, 2008 12:11 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

In my case, my mood has alot to do with what I read and how much I read. Lately I only read what I want to read. If someone says such and such book is great but it doesn't appeal to me I don't read it. I am currently reading an author I totally love who wrote a four part series that was fabulous. Now she has a new series with a totally different theme and I am having trouble getting into it but know it will be great once I get into it. (I don't feel 50 pages is enough when it is the first book of a new series.)

Now I have read two books lately that I consider comfort reads - they were new books by familiar authors. Christina Skye's To Catch a Thief and Cold Pursuit by Carla Neggers.

At November 09, 2008 12:11 PM , Blogger Ray said...

My best time to read is taking two hours out of the day to sit at Starbucks.

I recently started working out again after a long time finding excuses not to. Until I get in better shape I am not in the mood to read afterward.

My 17 y/o keeps me busy so I have slowed down.

I can't read at home. There are too many distractions including the computer.


At November 09, 2008 12:21 PM , Blogger bkReader said...

What I find works for me, is, reading more than one genre book at any given time. Presently I am reading a paranormal, as well as a fantasy, and just finished listening to Janet Evanovich's
"14". What works about this (often there is a mystery, also, that I am reading...), I get really enthused about being 'within' a storyLine that is a fun and new departure from the more ordinary 'reads'(my internal definition of reading just one book, just one genre). The books HAVE to be different genres entirely. This really keeps me on my toes in a fun way. Less than 10 books a month is a slump for me. And yes, I agree with others who've written in here, stress-level can really take a toll on my reading, leading to a major slump. **re

At November 09, 2008 12:22 PM , Blogger Stacy~ said...

I used to do the re-reading thing, now I focus on other things where I don't have to concentrate quite so much. Like movies. I've been watching more movies those times when I can't seem to sit down and enjoy a book. Eventually that need to read comes back, but while I'm in it, I try not to force it.

At November 09, 2008 12:53 PM , Blogger Lea said...

Hey Sandi:

I have days where I don't pick up a book for various reasons, life for one. lol

What I try not to do is set goals for myself with respect to the number of books I read in any given month because there are so many variables that can interfer with meeting said numbers. I lamented one day that I was feeling overwhelmed with respect to the number of books in my TBR and was stressing about getting around to reading them all. One of the wise gals over at out yahoo group said, "reading isn't supposed to be stressful Lea, it's about enjoyment". I think she is quite correct. I guess what I am trying to get at here is that maybe thinking more about just enjoying the books you are picking up and not getting too stressed about the number you read in any given month might be a good idea?

I like to vary the genres I'm reading too. I love, love paranormal romance but also enjoy contemporary work too, so I try to mix them up. The beauty of having a large number of TBR in your home is that you can vary your reading.

Take Care Sandi. Keep smiling. :)

At November 09, 2008 1:25 PM , Blogger Christa said...

I don't know if they could be considered slumps but sometimes I just come across a book that doesn't work for me, then I seem to find other things that I need to do(amazing how much house cleaning appeals when there is a book that doesn't appeal to get to) Another thing I go to is reading a short story in between like the Spice Briefs, Nocturne Bites, Amber Briefs, Ellora's Cave Quickies.. etc I recently tried 2 of the Harlequin Historical Undone and really like those(ordered the other 2 yesterday)

At November 09, 2008 2:36 PM , Blogger joyh82 said...

I would think it would be not wanting to read at all or not
being interested in what you read. SOmetimes this happens to me when I read something really good and everything else afterwards pales in

At November 09, 2008 7:51 PM , Blogger Donna said...

Hi Sandi,
I so rarely have a slump in reading that it is hard to say what I would do!! However, in the past my solution is usually to pick up one of my favorites to reread & that usually jump starts the process. Sometimes it isn't really a slump just that nothing in the TBR piles grabs me, extremely hard to imagine with such a very large amount of books waiting there!!!
I have to agree with Lea that reading should not be stressful, you work, you have a family so how many books you read a month should just feel like an accomplishment no matter if it is 2 or 22.
I just recently realized I'm about 10 behind my last years total for the year but my thought is "Oh well!". My move really put a damper on reading for about 2 months & I still have much to do in regards to settling in and being more organized but I'll get there!!
Take care, find a book you know you will enjoy & don't worry about totals. :-)

At November 09, 2008 9:22 PM , Blogger Sara Reyes said...

Interesting responses. I really like the one about not reading at home because you're being a big distraction.

I don't like to read in public, reading has always been a "private" thing, but I've found recently I do enjoy finding a comfy chair away from home and just reading.

As for slumps, I loathe wearing contacts and getting older. The sight keeps fading and I hate reading glasses. But I can't stop reading...

At November 09, 2008 11:21 PM , Blogger Qwill said...

I don't have any expectations regarding how many books I should read during a month. I read when I have the time and when I'm too busy with other things I read less. I average a lot of books per year though. So all I can suggest is not to really worry about it, and read when you can.

At November 10, 2008 2:49 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for all the comments! I think we're in agreement it's really not how much you read in a month, but whether or not you're enjoying what you are reading.

I hope no one ever experiences a true slump where they don't want to pick up a book at all

At November 12, 2008 4:58 PM , Blogger Suzanne Forster said...

I think Ray has a good idea in setting aside a certain time every day or several days a week--and leaving the house or going to a special place to read. That makes it a true treat and a getaway from everything else that's going on in your life. Kind of a fun mental health break!


At November 12, 2008 7:05 PM , Blogger Sherri said...

While the inclusion of computers and the Internet into our homes have provided us with excellent resources to stay on top of new releases as well as staying in touch with family and friends and (hopefully) managing our lives better, I am sad to say that it does and often has cut into my reading time. At least reading books. Before the internet, I had a nose in a book constantly when my attention wasn't required elsewhere (and I even read at red lights). I could easily read 10+ books a month. Nowadays, it seems to be a struggle to get 4 read and half of that number is audio. Does that count as reading? Hmmmm....


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