Candace Havens | Secrets and Siblings

But I’ve always been fascinated by the idea of siblings.

Take my friend Shannon’s comment about how one of her brother’s dresses. We were Christmas shopping a few years ago and she talked about how she bought him some decent clothes so he would wear something besides a t-shirt and jeans. It was her subtle way of telling him to grow up. I didn’t realize it, until just this moment but that sort of ended up in The Demon King and I. (Please, don’t tell her.)
I watched as another friend interacted with her two sisters. That dynamic was very interesting because the middle sister, my friend, has become the peacekeeper in the family. There is this constant battle for her to keep everyone happy, though it seldom works out that way.
My two best friends, Shannon and Rosemary, have become like sisters to me. We even have our own little family dynamic, though I’m pretty sure we are much kinder to one another than most siblings. But we can talk about anything, which is something I love.
So I want to know about you and your siblings. Are you like my kids, who grump at each other constantly but when the chips are down they are there for one another? They both have this thing that they can give each other a hard time, but no one from the outside better say anything derogatory. So tell me. And do you share secrets with your siblings?
Candace Havens
Labels: Candace Havens, characters, demons, heroines
Well I have 2 younger brothers, and we weren't close. Even today, in our 30's, we don't keep in contact. That's just how our family is. We all live in different states now. I know that probably sounds sad to a lot of people (I'm sure it definitely does to our parents) but we just didn't grow up "gelling", so to speak. I love them dearly and don't wish anything awful for them, but we seem best to get along from a distance.
So Candace, is "The Demon King & I" related to your other books?
Candace,there are a couple of points in your post that ring true to me. The middle child/peacekeeper syndrome - so true! That's me. I always felt like I was the bridge between the older set of siblings and the younger set - and both sides used to walk all over me!
And as to your question, also true. When the chips are down, we stand together. And no matter how mad we get at each other, we always manage to work it out. Sometimes you just need to step back and have a breather before you can appreciate your sibling. Once you get your head on straight, you find your way back. Siblings always have a connection - whether they want to or not!
Hi everyone, Thanks for hanging out today.
Stacy... The Demon King and I is a whole new series. It doesn't have anything to do with the Bronwyn or Kira Books. But I can say it's very much in that same vein with the humor and powerful chicks. :-)
Margay, it's funny how that peacekeeper thing seems to be so true with the middle kids. :-) Except in my husband's family. I love her but my sister-in-law says whatever comes in her head and the rest of us try to clean up the mess. :-) (Please don't tell her I said that. She'll kill me.)
I'm an only, so I have no sibling experience except for watching how others interact. I do have two little girls myself, so I get the joy (and sometimes the frustration) of watching them (ages 3 and 5) interact on a daily basis. Usually they get along pretty well, and have a blast together. However, they do have their moments where I swear they'd like nothing more than to pull the other's hair out. LOL
Love the sound of your new book, and absolutely can not wait to read it. Maybe I'll win a copy somewhere along the way. Otherwise, I hope to buy it maybe with some Christmas money in a couple of months.
Congrats on your release!!
I have 2 much younger brothers. Never had much to do with them, and they were always such a PITA, we never went anywhere or did anything as a family. Well, not until they grew up and I'd already left the house, then THEY went on all the family vaca :::sigh:::. That sort of resentment, however, has turned on its ear b/c we've made family vacations an important part of our lives. Now grown, our kids still choose family vacations over separate ones and seem to really enjoy each other's company.
I do get on much better w/ my brothers now, altho' we're still at different stages in our lives. Comforting to have those shared memories now that our mom and dad are gone.
Congrats on the new book....I loved it. Bought and sat down and read it thru...I can't wait for the next book..
I am the baby of the family. I have 2 older brothers. My brothers are 7 & 11 years older, so by the time I was 12 I was home alone. Being the only girl and so much younger, I admit it - I was spoiled rotten with love- and I grew up with a mondo case of hero worship on my two brothers...I was truly blessed in the family department. I would lay down my life for these men - and I know they would do the same. When my parents died there was no fighting over anything - each of us wanted the other to take whatever they wanted of our parents things...My parents knew we would not turn on each other and left it up to us how to divide it all...
Now when I got married at 21 - my husband had 3 girls ages 16,10 & 9.I had never been around siblings to close in age, that fought so much-I'm talking pushing, pinching, slapping. It got so bad that I finaly took the two younger girls aside. Said "you want to fight then lets do it right-I hit each other hard, I want bruises, blood.." they turned to me as 1 and said "you hate us, we love each other we won't do it!". Needless to say - that put an end to most of the fighting for quite a while...28 years later, these women are best friends, no one comes between them, no one...
Like I said, I have been truly blessed with my family.
I'm the oldest of 3 and the only girl. I used to hate my oldest brother, who is 2 years younger then I. According to my family I tried to kill him numerous times before my younest brother came along, he's 4 ywears younger. WHen he came home I told my mom that he was MY baby. We all fought lots growing up. But once we all hit our 20s we get along really great!
I have one brother who is three years younger. I have always loved him and tried to do things for him that he would like. I have not always liked his behavior and we got along better when I moved to the other side of the country. He is a psychologist for a living. When we got together, usually after one day, he wasn't happy unless he pushed all of my buttons and could make me cry. We are now both close to 60 and after my visit rhis past January I have come to accept that he does not want me as a sister or as a friend. He is wonderful to his friends so I will leave him to them an will bother him no more. Having a sibling is not always a wonderful thing.
Wow! These are such great stories.
Kimberly, don't tell Rosemary, but you are my new best friend for saying you loved The Demon King and I, and read it in one setting. :-)
And in Shannon's defense, Rosemary can clean up very nicely ;-) She was just um helping her along.
Hi Candace,
Good topic. I have a younger brother and sister.Growing up me and my brother didn't get along at all and my sister was five years younger than me so she was always treated like the baby. Now that we're older me and my brother have heart to heart talks and my sister and I can releate to each other since we've had children.
My daughters are like your kids,they're each two years apart from each other and love to butt heads but they always have each others back when they conspire together :)
Hugs, Danette
I'm another only child. And given how well (or not *g*) a lot of my friends get along with their siblings I'm mostly glad of being an only. :)
I am the older of two. My brother is 7 years and 3 months younger than me. I was an only child up to that point. After two weeks of him being home I begged and pleaded to send him back. I was done!!
My brother and I grew up fighting like crazy. The funny thing was, when we got in trouble for fighting, we ended up sneaking into each others room to play. I was also the ONLY person allowed to pick on "the rodent", as I so lovingly refered to him. Anyone else who did had the wrath of an angry redhead to deal with.
Now that we are older we get along pretty well. We still know how to push each others' buttons and make one another nuts but we are pretty good friends. We have also grown into specific roles as time has past. I am the caretaker, healer and problem solver while he is the fly-by-the-seat-of-his-pants party boy and spoiled baby. We are night and day.
We do keep some thing just between us. There are things our Mother will NEVER know...for her own We also know, when either of us is in need, we can make one call and there is someone who will be there. We have bailed each other out of lots of tight spots, from babysitting to borrowing money for a bill. Knowing there is someone who always has your back is comforting.
PS- I do the exact thing with my brother your friend Shannon does with hers. Maybe it is just something Shannon's do, a "Shannon thing"! lol
I'm the oldest child for my father, and somewhere in the middle for my mother.
I'm not close to my brother and sister from my parents marriage, lol, but I am very close to my half-sister, the Brat, who's 6yrs old, and my 11yr old half-sister. I'm also now close to my long lost sister *g*
But, even though I may not be close to some of my siblings, I wouldn't want anyone to say anything bad about them. Only I can, lol
The only one I share secrets with is my best-friend Nikki, who's my sister from another mother ;) lol
lol I was an only until I turned 13 and my dad remarried a woman with a 12 yr old. We fought each other but god forbid someone say anything to either of us. the other one was ready to fight to lol
I wanted to thank you all for hanging out with me today. :-) I had so much fun and what wonderful stories.
Hi Candace! Congratulations on the new release WooHoo! The Demon King & I sounds great love the cover for it very nice.
Me and my sisters always argued with each other when we were younger and some times we still do now but if something happens or someone bothers one of us we are there for each other. I do love my siblings but some time they can be a real pain in the a$$ but hey I guess that is what they call tough love *g* I don't share secrets with them all the time. I have a best friend who I share my secret's with instead because my sisters use to always tell my secrets so I stopped telling them. Even though we are all grown we all do talk to each other here and there when life isn't in the way.
was a only child
i got lonely sometimes, but mostly it was ok
i have 3 chidlren, i now know why my mother only had ONE
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