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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Angie Fox |Real bikers don’t wear pink - And other lessons I learned on the road

It’s no secret I’m a bit of a girly girl. I like my silver jewelry, I own way too many purses and I can spot a nail salon from 100 yards. So it was a bit of a surprise, even to me, when I found myself calling up Harley bikers and asking if we could get together. Oh and if they could possibly bring their dogs?...

But hey, I’m a writer and research is part of the job. In this case, I’d set out to write a paranormal about a straight-laced preschool teacher turned demon slayer who has to run off with a gang of geriatric biker witches. Plus, my heroine has a smart-mouthed dog that, thanks to her new powers, can talk…and talk…and talk.

In order to get the real story on Harley riders (and their dogs) I went online and learned that there is a nationwide club of bikers who ride with their dogs. So my heroine could have her snow white Harley, and her Jack Russell Terrier too.

Of course I had to meet these hard riding dog lovers. Turns out, they were way more friendly than I’d ever imagined. They invited me into their homes, introduced me to their dogs and, like my heroine, the bikers hoisted me up on the back of a Harley, with a dog in tow.

Things I learned right off the bat:
  • After an hour on a Harley, you’ll walk like John Wayne for a week
  • Helmets hurt when they are worn backwards
  • Dogs love riding motorcycles
Stone, the biker who spent the most time making sure I didn’t fall off his hog, showed me how to ride, invited me to some biker rallies (note to self: don’t wear pink next time), and helped make The Accidental Demon Slayer as real as it can be (for a book about a somewhat sheltered preschool teacher turned demon slayer).

So just when I thought I was writing fiction, it seemed my made-up characters from The Accidental Demon Slayer weren’t so imaginary after all. One of the bikers I met even has a wife who is a biker witch. I’m wondering if she, like my heroine’s biker witch grandma, wears a “kiss my asphalt” t-shirt and carries a carpet bag full of Smuckers jars filled with magic. Maybe I’ll find out on my next adventure.

Enter my ONE DAY BLOG contest for a change to win a sign copy of The Accidental Demon Slayer

Take the What’s Your Biker Witch Name? quiz and leave a comment with your new biker alter ego.

Angie Fox

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At October 22, 2008 1:08 AM , Blogger MsValerie said...

Oh my! My biker witch name is "Mosquito Bite Marcie Fast Pants." I may have cheated, because I didn't accept the first ended in Uni-Brow. Sorry, just couldn't go there.

At October 22, 2008 9:15 AM , Blogger CrystalGB said...

My biker witch name is Rubber Neck Reba Windy Pants. :)

At October 22, 2008 11:37 AM , Blogger Angie Fox said...

Hey, biker witches are strong women. That means they can choose a name they like, so the "re-do" is perfectly acceptable. :)

At October 22, 2008 12:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved your first book and I'm looking forward to your next...and next, and next, and...

You get the picture...thanks so much for the wonderful read.

At October 22, 2008 2:14 PM , Blogger Cathy said...

Very funny! My biker name is:
Two Date Tessa Flat Foot.

At October 22, 2008 3:00 PM , Blogger Angie Fox said...

Aw, thanks, Kelly! I'm having a ball with this series.

At October 22, 2008 8:37 PM , Blogger Kammie said...

Easy Edna Wheelie-Gig

I'm a big of a girlie girl, too and I love to read "new to me" authors. Your story sounds good!


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