Georgia Romance Writers - Moonlight and Magnolia
Moonlight and Magnolias is close to my heart since I am a Georgia girl born and raised. This conference is for writers: published, unpublished and just getting, started. This was my 3rd M&M conference and as always a pleasure to ttend. I want to thank the committee for allowing to attend and the warm reception I received.
I ran into some old friends and new, I don’t want to start mentioning names for fear of leaving someone out. I’m at that age where remembering things is not one of my best traits. Of course my husband says I can remember every one of his screw ups. But I did get as many pictures of authors as possible and we’ve put them up on so be sure to stop by and correct the names of those we got wrong.

Faye McMichael
& Jenna Petersen
Faye is being stalked by Jenna Petersen in Atlanta
for the Moonlight and Magnolias conference.
Originally uploaded by freshfiction
It is so nice to see authors sitting down with writers who are just getting started and sharing their experiences and expertise in order to help newer writers achieve their dream. If you ever want to attend a writing conference
Moonlight and Magnolias would be the one as the writers here are so friendly, it’s that southern charm thing.
I had the pleasure to talk with Sandra Chastain and hear
the beginning of the Moonlight and Magnolias conference and how they still have the original $1,500.00 donated to them from Oglethorpe University. The donation was a first for a romance writing organization.
Teresa Medeiros gave a wonderful talk at the luncheon, which I attended with Fresh Fiction reviewer Jude Gregoire. Ms. Medeiros was such a warm and funny speaker she had the full attention of everyone in the room. I even liked her talk over the “to die for chocolate desert.” This is saying a lot from a die-hard
I will have to say that by the time the Maggie Awards were presented I was glad to sit down. This is the Oscars for romance writers and I was thrilled to be able to attend. I so admire writers I just can’t image sitting down and writing a book. How authors come up with page after page of text that keep readers glued to the book is amazing!
Thank you M&M for allowing to be a part of such a professional and well organized conference. We’ll see you again next year!
Faye McMichael
Content Manager
Labels: Faye McMichael, Moonlight and Magnolia
It looks like you had lots of fun, Faye and I wish I could have been there too!! Next year, definitely!!
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