Carol Cassella | Rich and Famous

Published a novel?? Me?? Who would have dreamed it when I was slogging away in our grungy basement, or local coffee shops with the same fantastical self-image as any middle-aged mother who suddenly decides to reinvent themselves? Was this novelist thing any less outrageous than suddenly taking up yodeling or body piercing? I told my her that I would be happy merely to call in “Out of Debt and Keeping my Same Old Friends.”
Unanticipated as it is, it has been a bit miraculous to be on a book tour, finally holding in my own disbelieving hands the weighty, hard back product of a decade’s worth of silent musing. If I may confess it to this anonymous audience, the only event to surpass this so far is the birth of my twins. Even my wedding paled. (Sorry, sweetie!)

So I am happy to wallow in this fifteen minutes of fame, all the while recognizing that--just like Andy Warhol, the originator of that sweeping anointment--I too shall die and a million more will rise up to replace me. They are nipping at the edges of the bookstore shelves right now, ready to bump me from face-out to spine-out. But I even like that somehow. More books to read in my own future! More reason to keep writing!

“Do you have a discount card?” the perky young clerk asked. I gave her my number and she stated my name to verify. She asked for my credit card and photo ID, repeating my name each time, clearly drilled by her manager not to let any identity frauds slip through on her watch. She looked at the cover of my novel and I waited, almost shyly, for her to congratulate me on being the author. “Gee,” she said at last. “I’ve seen this book around a lot lately.” I smiled and started to thank her. Then she continued, “Do you know anything about it?”
She handed me my bag and I shook my head. “I just liked the cover.” Next time, though, I just might flip to the author photo on the flap when she asks for my ID. If I’m feeling bold.
Carol Cassella
Labels: book tours, Carol Cassella, writer
So I had this great comment, and couldn't remember my password, so I lost it!
I think you handled the cashier issue with a lot of grace, I would have been a bit pushier.
I missed you at the dinner you had in Dallas with the DFW Tea Group, but got to hear you speak at the booksigning. Hope you come back to Dallas so I can make the dinner.
Hi Sandi! I am sorry I missed you, too. The dinner was a blast. Truly one of the best things about seeing Oxygen get published is getting to meet readers--people who take a bit of my subconscious (or at least unspoken) thoughts into their own lives and minds and see where we overlap. That is the beauty of any creative effort, isn't it? I just finished my last public reading for this leg of the tour, and I will miss having this in-depth contact with readers. But, now I have more time to work on the next book, and hopefully get to see some of you again in a year or so!
Thanks again to the whole Fresh Fiction community.
Lipstick on your front tooth - boy can I relate to that. I hope you come back to Dallas soon and have dinner with the DFW Tea Group. Congrats on your book.
Linda Calvert
I too missed your book signing in Dallas and the DFW Tea group dinner. It was Shakespeare in the Park night with the hubby. What's a girl to do? I can only ditch him for dinner with the girls so often. We have only been married 3months!
I can't wait to curl up with Oxygen and spend the day (and probably part of the night) reading it.
I don't need a lot of help keeping my to be read shelf full, but every time I go to the bookstore, I find something new. Oxygen is next on my list! Thank you!
Shakespeare in the park with your hubby should trump any other event! Having grown up in Dallas, I certainly hope to be back with any and all future books, and I would love to head back with DFW Tea for more Tex Mex. We are sorely lacking in that here in Seattle! This summer we are also sorely lacking in sunlight. Please send some our way.
Hope you enjoy OXYGEN!
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