Charlene Teglia | When the To Do list is as long as the TBR pile is high

So I should be doing all of these things, right? Yet I look over at my TBR pile, and it is as high as my To Do list is long…and full of temptation.
There’s Lynn Viehl’s latest installment in the Darkyn series, Twilight Fall. There’s Hope Tarr’s historical Blaze, Bound to Please. There’s a terrific-sounding SF/romance, Mathematicians in Love by a new to me author which I could not pass up once I read the premise. And Marjorie Liu’s Iron Hunt is pretty hard to resist.

There will always be the clamor of daily demands, but there should also always be time to treasure the joy of reading. Even if it’s fifteen stolen minutes in a hectic day.
Do you let the To Do list wait when the TBR pile calls?
Charlene Teglia
Wicked Hot Excerpt
Labels: Charlene Teglia. dilemma, To Do List
I very often let the real world of laundry and dishes wait while I immerse myself in the much more compelling world of my books. I yet I feel no guilt about it at all.
I always make time to read, too, and those 15 minutes in between chores can totally recharge me.
I know exactly what you mean, Charlene! The time before National is always so hectic. I have a book due in two days, and another one just hit the shelves...And I just promised a friend that we'd train for a half-marathon on Nov. 1. Crazy! The most peaceful time is right before bed, when I allow myself time to read no matter what! I just finished Julia Quinn's Lost Duke of Wyndham, I'm halfway through Rachel Gibson's No More Bad Dates and Hope Tarr's Bound to Please is next up on my TBR pile!
Like See, I've been letting the laundry slide without guilt. Hey, gotta find time where you can. I agree with Cathy--that 15-minute escape is so important!
Thanks for the post, Charlene. Hope to run into you in San Francisco!
See, I'm working on not feeling the guilt. *g*
Cathy, it's true that sneaking off to read even for 5-10 minutes can really recharge the mental batteries.
Jennie, good luck with your deadline, and congrats on your new release! I have loved both your Presents so far and can't wait to read the new one. Ah, there goes my To Be Read pile, growing. *g* Hope we can catch up in SF. How sad is it that we haven't gotten together in the last 6 months?
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