Teresa D'Amario | Why Shape shifters?

It was a wonderful experience, and one I shall always remember. I only wish I could make it to RWA or to RT this year, but sadly I will be unable to join all the wonderful authors and readers at those two. So instead, I thought I’d introduce myself here at Fresh Fiction and answer the one important question I seem to get.

Paranormal romance in general constitutes so many different types of creatures. There’s the vampires we all know and love. The demons we are just learning to have love affairs with, the selkies, the faeries, and even more. So what makes the shape shifter so different?
First, we have to look at ancient lore. For hundreds of years we’ve heard of the werewolves. Creatures of the night who lose control of their bodies at the full moon and run rampant on the unsuspecting souls of the local communities. In ancient times they were believed to be controlled by witches. In fact, documents from the middle ages don’t doubt the existence of werewolves, but instead debates how they came to be controlled by witches.
An interesting concept.
And so the werewolf has haunted our imaginations for more generations than most of us can guess. But why is it suddenly so romantic? So sexy? What is it about this creature that pulls at our imaginations?
First, let me say that while my first book is about wolf shifters, I love the idea of all animals being shifters. For instance, my next work is about a Tiger. Now that has been really fun to write. Lions, tigers, bears, wolves, you name it. The powerful and the strong.
But that still doesn’t answer the question. For me, though, the answer is simple. It’s Instinct.
When we read contemporary romance, the human male is handsome and sexy, and oh so masculine. He’s either funny or serious, but he’s everything a woman ever wanted in a husband. And he’s politically correct.
That’s right ladies. A man can only be so masculine before our natural instincts kick in and say “ewww” if he gets too aggressive. We don’t want a real alpha male. Now a fictitious one? Maybe.
In walks the vampire. He’s oh so handsome, and has lived for hundreds of years. He’s so strong he can lift an ox single handedly. He is cold and calculating, yet when he gives his heart, whether it beats or is still as death, he gives it all. He’s everything we Dark Shadows fans longed for when we met Barabus Collins. The damaged soul that only the heroine can repair.
But the shifter, he’s different. He’s powerful and strong, like his vampire friends, but he has something they do not. Pure animal instinct. He doesn’t worry if his vampire buddies thinks he oversteps his bounds. Oh no. When he wants something he takes it. Whether that something be the pack or family, or if it’s the future mate. He respects power and strength and that calls to us ladies as well. But who wants a mate who’s always powerful and strong and we’re mere weaklings in his mind? That’s not a problem with shape shifters. The animal instinct inside him drives him to respect the feminine, to respect her strength and intelligence. He longs for the woman who can handle what he has to offer, and can give what he wants to take.
He steps in to protect when he is needed, is possessive of his chosen mate, and his sexual appetite, well…. Ladies, you have to read the book to find that out, but I promise you, he delivers, whether he’s a tiger, a panther, a leopard or a wolf.
So the next time you’re off looking for good reading material, and want to rely on the hot, powerful animal instincts, check out your local shape shifter author. I bet she’s got something for you, whether it be the cat, the wolf, or even the dragon. You’ll find the perfect author to your taste!
Teresa D'Amario
Labels: ebooks, paranormal, shape shifters, Teresa D'Amario
Very interesting viewpoint on shifters. Thanks for the invite today Teresa! :)
That's perfect! I like that you can meld that animal instinct with a classic hero.
...is this question and answser?
What is it that your wolf shifter hero has to overcome? And who is the heroine to him? How is she different from the typical romance heroine?
Just curious...
Hi Morgan,
excellent questions. The hero has mostly his own self to overcome. He feels as though he has let his pack down, by past failures. I can't go into details without giving away a key point in the story. As for how is the heroine different to him, she is strong, and he relishes her strength. Unlike most alpha females, she uses her femininity rather than brute strength to control.
She's an alpha female, all the way, though she doesn't understand her position and has to learn as she goes on. Like the hero, she has animal instincts that play in her mind and heart, and she doesn't understand them. Watching her growth, and watching Kieran reactions to her is where the real fun is.
And for all those who ask questions, I'll pop in later this evening and answer. I got called out of town, so I wont' have internet access most of the day, but I promise to answer everyone. :D
Hi Rachel,
It's good to see you here. :D
thanks teresa. Safe travels. :D
Hey Teresa
So when's the next one? hehe
Beth C.
Hi, Teresa. I love shapeshifters too, but mostly use them outside the dark fic setting. Love your book cover. It's the perfect dark fic cover. :D
Hi Beth.
LOL actually, the next one, Tigress by the Tail, will be coming out as a Tease Publishing Dark Tarot. After that, I have another planned, but no date or release plans yet. Still working on that. But keep your eyes out for Tigress by the Tail!
I'm looking forward to reading your book, Teresa. Love the cover. I love shifters of every kind.
Thanks Cora. Yeah, I'm kind of in love with that cover too. :) And like you I love all kinds of shifters. When I read my first one, years ago, I thought, "Now this is just gonna be wierd. I was shocked at how good it was, and by how romantic and exciting it was.
I do like dragons...never thought about it too much until I read the Shana Abe stories. and just, well, WOW!!!!
You'll have to check out Deborah Cooke's new Dragon shifter series! It's awesome. So far one is out, and I'm looking forward to number 2.
The first one is Kiss of Fire, and came out in March, Kiss of Fury comes out in August!
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