Dianne Castell | North or South... Which one are You?

I have a pair of white gloves in my drawer and use cloth tablecloth and napkins and set the table proper with flowers for Sunday dinner. If my kids don’t mind their manners they get “the look of death” from their mama and I buy hair spray two bottles at a time and wouldn’t dream of leaving the house without putting on my face.
I love the South. My heart is there...except for those Palmetto bugs. I’m sure they are what keep me from moving south of the Ohio River. Sweet mother, are those things ugly as sin!
So, who are you? North or South? Even if you’re Midwest you probably lean more one way or the other and I’m willing to bet you have a little Southern in you just begging to get out. Let me know by entering my ONE DAY ONLY BLOG CONTEST and I’ll give away two Hot and Bothered T-shirts from the answers.
Thanks for chatting.
Dianne Castell
Labels: characters, contest, Dianne Castell, North, South
I've lived in the south my whole life so when I went to Chicago to visit family it was a huge culture shock lol! It's a nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there. I agree about the palmetto bugs! Thankfully my cat likes to hunt them so I hardly see any anymore. Since I've moved to Mississippi (from Georgia) the only bugs that make me want to run back home are the "love bugs" (and they are not as cute as their name) but I only have to deal with them two months a year so I can manage.
I'm definitely a North person but I do have Southern tendencies.
Hi, Ladytink,
April is such a lovely month in the South. Bet it's beautiful where you are. My cat hunts bugs too, then brings them to me as a little prezzie. How sweet! :-)
Hi, Dru.
I think there's a little Southern in all of us, esp after watching a Paula Deen cooking show. :-)
I live in Kentucky and I am southern all the way. I cook southern, talk southern you name it I am southern. Yes it is getting pretty here when its not raining.
i.m a southern girl
Hi Virginia!
We're neighbors since I'm in Ohio. Ky is such a friendly place. Seems like things change just when I cross over the river. The slow Southern way of doing things and so polite.
Hi, Peggy. Where do you live? Are you a Southern girl by geography too?
Hi Dianne,
Definitely a southern girl - born and raised in GA! Our worst trait would be the humidity in GA in July and August.
Definitely southern. It is a way of life down here.
Yep, the humidity really is something but you have all that lush green too. Makes up for it.
My daughter said she feels as if she's swimming more then walking.
And it's a natural hair curler.
Hi, Janet!
Yes, it is a way of life. A slower more friendly way, I think. And the food is a culture all it's own.
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