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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Diana Holquist | What Makes You Mad?

Some writers start their books with a character they love. Others start with plot. Then there are the folks who look to the market to see what’s hot: a vampire lesbian spy thriller shape-shifter historical—count me in!

And then there’s me.

Me, I get mad.

Here’s something that made me mad: reading a twenty-something’s blog about her search for the “perfect” husband. He had to be tall, rich, successful, etc. I wanted to smack that woman. I wanted a mysterious Gypsy psychic to swoop in and rock her world by telling her that her one soul mate on this earth was a penniless single father, down on his luck.

Hey, wait…that would make a good book. (My first book, Make Me a Match.)

But I was still mad. Which was good, because I had another book due.

This time, I was mad about reading my 7,436th kick-ass heroine romance novel. Enough already with the spy/killer/half-beast/vamp woman who does it all in heels. Not that I don’t love those books; but I needed a change. I wanted to read about a heroine like me, an overweight mother of two… Okay, so I didn’t want to read that. But what about a shy heroine who kicks ass in her own quiet, low-heeled way? So I wrote my next book, Sexiest Man Alive; the shyest woman alive finds out her soul mate is People magazine’s Sexiest Man Alive.

What makes you mad? Hey, you never know, maybe some author here will read your idea here and write it. Maybe it’ll even be me, since I’ve got another book due soon...

Diana Holquist

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At March 20, 2008 10:32 AM , Blogger Beverley Kendall said...

Thank you so much. Boy do I know what you mean. I get tired of reading about LARGER than life heroines. Women who can do ANYTHING. Sometimes I want to read about a self-effacing woman who finds her strength (there's my ARC). And I mean emotional strength. I want a book less about plot and more about the characters and their emotional relationship.

At March 20, 2008 11:36 AM , Blogger Diana Holquist said...

Right on, Beverley! But let me tell you, it's so hard for authors to write these kinds of emotional books, because all we hear is that they don't sell. I can't tell you how many times friends told me to re-do my heroine in Sexiest Man Alive so she'd be tougher....

But in my book (literally), the tough characters are the ones who surmount a real, emotional obstacle, like shyness.


At March 20, 2008 5:11 PM , Blogger Estella said...

People driving and talking on cell phones makes me mad.

At March 20, 2008 5:53 PM , Blogger Jane said...

Hi Diana,
Rude people make me mad. Some people just can't be civil.

At March 20, 2008 6:56 PM , Blogger Diana Holquist said...

Hi Jane and Estella.
My next villain will definitely be a cell phone talker. I don't even care if there's driving involved--I can't stand the things.

Rude people I almost feel sorry for, because so many of them seem to not have a clue how to behave. I was just at a movie and a woman was sitting behind me talking into her cell phone during the show!

Talk about a double whammy...


At March 24, 2008 6:57 PM , Blogger donna said...

Cell phones is one of the worst things that make me mad. another is when you are shopping for groceries and there are 4 or 5 people who obviously know each other and they block the whole aisle standing there just talking for 15 minutes or more . Also when someone stops in the aisle to talk on their cell.oaebwgw


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