Sandra Hill | Can we talk?
About book covers, I mean.
Oh, I know, this is a subject that has been beaten to death, but I've had some experiences of late that make me rethink some of my previous preferences. I love the covers for my Jinx treasure hunting covers, including my current WILD JINX, but I am being told by the powers that be that the big buyers do not consider these good sellers.
Huh? I think they're beautiful, and the colors make them pop. But, no, they claim that, unless you are a huge name, readers want to know exactly what the book is about, and that means people. In my case, probably shirtless hunks. Yikes! Talk about a blast to the past.
I've been published for fourteen years, and I have twenty-five books under my belt. For years I got hunk covers, sexy hunk covers, some of which were downright embarrassing. Not so extreme as the erotica ones today, but sexy nonetheless. A few of them I call my "bag over the head" covers...ones that I would have to wear a bag over my head if I were doing a booksigning in the mall. I couldn't wait until I became a big star and could have theme know what I mean, the pretty Adirondack chair on the beach, the sword and flower, the rugged castle on the moors.
Be careful what you wish for.
My second book, THE OUTLAW VIKING, had John D'Salvo in a blond wig and a fur thingee that must be in the closet of every cover artist in New York.
When a publisher says he needs a cover for a Viking book, Iswear, they just pull out that darn fur thingee. Better that than a horned helmet, which Vikings did not wear. Ever. Except in operas. But, despite my ducked head, this was a very successful cover. It sold lots of books. Funny story, though. I gave a copy to my hair dresser who I expected to make fun of the fur thingee, but instead she said, "Whoa, did you see what's peeking out of that fur?"
I looked and I looked. Didn't see a thing. It was sort oflike those Curious George books where you can't find the monkey, and you can't find the monkey, and suddenly there the monkey is,and after that, it's the only thing you can see. Yep, I saw the monkey. Probably a trick of lighting. Ha, ha, ha.
Did I happen to mention that my fans check out my covers with magnifying glasses?
Which brings us to SWEETER SAVAGE LOVE. Whoo-boy! Where's the bag? And, yes, the magnifying glass folks claim that...well, never mind!
I have to say that we writers are as scornful of these types of covers as all those fan websites, but guess what? When I do a booksigning, even at a writers' conference, yep, SWEETER SAVAGE LOVE is the first to sell out.
And then there is THE BEWITCHED VIKING. Fan sites love to ridicule this cover, and that website that gives new titles to romance novels based on cover art is actually very funny about this one. But I love this cover! And my fans do, too. And it sold tremendously well.
Yes, it's hokey...that crooking finger...or is he giving the finger? Either way, if you'd read the book, you would know that the mischievous Tykir would do exactly that.
Disclaimer here...I've also had some great cover art, like the stepback for FRANKLY, MY DEAR. Striking. And beautiful.
Fast forward to today and the dilemma over what sells in cover art, especially in this tight market. If my pretty Jinx covers aren't the answer, what is? Do barechested hunk covers really sell romance best? Are readers really sick of the theme covers that don't represent the book? And don't even mention cartoon covers!
What do you think?
Sandra Hill
Labels: Covers, Models, Publishers, Sandra Hill
Great timing because I had a long conversation with a writer friend about this just this past weekend.
I was admittedly surprised when I received my naked chested SEAL cover for my February book because my agent, editor, and I had spent a LOT of time at the NYC Barnes & Noble looking at every romantic suspense and suspense cover, then gone to a nearby pub for much discussion and we all believed we'd decided on something way different.
But when I moved to NAL, I'd decided to trust their judgment and they must've called it right because Freefall landed on the NYT printed list less than a week after its release. Would it have done that without hunky Zach on the cover? Who knows? But I sure didn't complain when they sent me the cover for the 2nd book in the series a couple weeks ago featuring an even hotter naked chested SEAL. :)
Also, although I used to not like the headless guys, I have decided they're a plus because they allow the reader to better imagine what the hero looks like. Also, it prevents us from having some guy who in NO way looks like the hero we've spent all that time writing about. I was lucky, given that I was killing people in my books, I never got the cartoons!
Golly, I still kind of like the cartoon covers, so that shows how behind the curve I am! Sandra, I like the cover for Wild Jinx - think it's way classier than those bare chested Viking covers. Those tend to bug me for just the reason Joann mentioned. Half the time the guy on the cover looks nothing like the guy as described in the story. At least headless guy eliminates that problem!
I like the Jinx covers, even tho I don't pay much attention to them when buying a book. I go by author and recommendation.
When I know an author, I really don't look at the cover much. But I don't like the cartoon covers at all. And I am like the rest when it comes to the fact that sometimes the guy on the cover looks nothing like the one in the book and I really hate that!
But when I don't know the author, I do look at the cover to see what type of book it is, ie; Native American, Western, Viking, Regency, etc. But you can tell those types by other things beside hunky guys, so they aren't always needed.
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