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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Rachelle Chase | A Life Full of Hot Men, Wild Sex, and Romance-Drenched Days

Since I write erotic romance, the question I’m asked most often is “Do you write about real-life experiences?” And, if it’s a guy doing the asking, this question is often followed by “If you need any help with research...” then, a wink and a sly smile. Initially, I found these questions annoying, thinking them unfair. I mean, would these same people go up to my literary hero, Dean Koontz, and ask him if he was really a schizophrenic psychotic with paranormal endencies? And if they really thought so, I doubt they’d offer to assist him with research. So why, then, do people assume that just because I write about sex, I live a life overflowing with it?

I think it’s because sex is such a personal experience. And since it’s nearly impossible to write about it convincingly without having experienced it, it’s natural for people to assume that erotic romance authors live the life we write about. And since the majority of folks who read erotic romance have most likely had sex, they can tell in a heartbeat if an author is writing nonsense. But, while they’ve had sex, odds are, they’ve never knowingly met a schizophrenic psychotic with paranormal tendencies. So, having no basis for comparison, they give Mr. Koontz the
benefit of the doubt, assuming that he’s merely a master storyteller (which he is!).

So, I no longer consider these assumptions unfair. For if, after reading my work, they refuse to believe that I didn’t really experience what I wrote about, isn’t that the highest form of flattery? Now, let me ask you – have you ever read a book or a scene that was so real you thought the author must’ve experienced it? What was it?

P.S. I just realized that though I implied an answer, I didn’t really answer the question. So, nope, I don’t write about real life, but real life oftentimes triggers what I write about. For example, I host a live talk show called "Chatting with Chase" and I’ve been interviewed on the radio, both of which prompted Dr. Love’s talk show in SIN CLUB. Additionally, I was standing outside of a club one night and a guy drove by and shouted out his phone number. I certainly didn’t call him, but jaded, world-weary, Sharice did in SIN CLUB – with interesting results. And The Dirty Minnie, Sharice’s drink, was created for me by a bartender in Atlanta when I was looking for Derek (, the hero of my first book, SEX LOUNGE.

Rachelle Chase

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At February 27, 2008 10:44 AM , Blogger Amie Stuart said...

LOL You know I never thought of it as a compliment but that's a great way to look at it!!!!

At February 27, 2008 10:49 AM , Blogger Rachelle Chase said...

Do you think that's a stretch, Amie? LOL ... Thanks for stopping by!

At February 27, 2008 11:12 AM , Blogger Calista Fox, Author said...

There's no changing a guy's mind when it comes to his assumption that you live the erotic lifestlye you write about. When it comes to sex, I think men are intrigued by women who are uninhibited with their words. What they don't get is that uninhibited in our heads or on paper is one thing... it doesn't ALWAYS transcend to the bedroom. Well, sometimes it does... ;-)

At February 27, 2008 11:27 AM , Blogger Rachelle Chase said...

I agree with your comment about men being intrigued by women who are uninhibited with their words, Calista. But, interestingly enough, I've met men who seem to be intimidated by it, as well. They are the ones who totally ignore it - meaning, I'll mention my writing and books and they will never mention it again. It's as if that part of my life does not exist. Maybe this is because these men are intrigued by inhibition only if it is related to them? I don't know. It's an interesting discussion...Thanks for providing my thought for the day. :-)

At February 27, 2008 11:45 AM , Blogger Calista Fox, Author said...

That is interesting, R. Maybe there's a bit of a difference in men's attitudes in the 'burbs vs. the city because as soon as the people on my block found out what I do for a living, I became the Jackie Collins of the neighborhood! In fact, I've had to swear off block parties b/c I get tired of talking about sex and what may or may not be happening in my neighbors' bedrooms! LOL

Wonder what other ER writers experiences are with this topic?

At February 27, 2008 12:07 PM , Blogger Rachelle Chase said...

Actually, I'm referring to single guys that I've dated. One guy I asked said it was intimidating - in a nutshell, he felt the guys in "those books" were "perfect" and he could never live up to them. That answer floored me.

Yes, I, too, am interested in others experiences. Thoughts, anyone?

At February 27, 2008 12:08 PM , Blogger Rachelle Chase said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At February 27, 2008 3:36 PM , Blogger Estella said...

Men believe what they want to belive and to heck with the real world.

At February 27, 2008 3:44 PM , Blogger Rachelle Chase said...

I've heard men say the same thing about us, Estella. LOL I guess that's why Dr. Gray's been able build a whole series of products around his MEN ARE FROM MARS, WOMEN ARE FROM VENUS books. :-)

At February 27, 2008 11:40 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

WHAT?!Are you telling me that Eric (from "Out of Control") is not someone you actually know? That YOU MADE HIM UP?!? No, Rachelle, say it isn't so-you're destroying one of my favorite fantasies.How could you be so mean?
All of which I guess proves what a powerful imagination you have...and can I just say I do love the way your mind works:-)

At February 28, 2008 1:02 AM , Blogger Rachelle Chase said...

You are so sweet, Lynn! Yeah, I kind of wish Erik was real, too. LOL Thank you so much for the compliment.

At February 28, 2008 1:48 AM , Blogger Caffey said...

Hi Rachelle! I just found this blog and found you here too! Gosh, you are getting some fab covers and I for one can't wait to read them too!! Congrats!!

At February 28, 2008 2:34 AM , Blogger Rachelle Chase said...

Nice to 'see' you, Caffey! Thanks for stopping by - and for the compliment. Yes, the cover gods have been very good to me. I feel very fortunate. :-) If you check them out, I truly hope you enjoy them.

At February 28, 2008 4:17 PM , Blogger Rita St. Claire said...

Your blog gave me some comfort, in that I, too, use things I've experienced in real life for my books, but what's in my books is NOT my real life! :-)

At February 28, 2008 9:18 PM , Blogger Amie Stuart said...

Rachelle I haven't been on a date in so long I can't comment but I have chatted with some men online. Usually they want me to write a story featuring them. Right...I'll get right on that *ggg*

At February 29, 2008 9:55 AM , Blogger Rachelle Chase said...

Glad to see another kindred spirit, Rita. :-)

Amie, given my dating life, it'd probably be better if I didn't date. LOL ... Ah, yes, being the star of a story. I've heard that one, too. For example, my SECRETS VOLUME 13 story features a personal ad. One Internet date insisted that the story was about him, despite the fact that (1) our total physical contact amounted to ONE KISS and (2) most importantly, the book was ALREADY OUT when I met him. Gotta love a guy with a "healthy" ego.

At February 29, 2008 10:00 AM , Blogger Rachelle Chase said...

Just wanted to give a big THANK YOU to Fresh Fiction for letting me be a guest blogger - and thanks to all of you who stopped by!

At February 29, 2008 10:24 AM , Blogger Rita St. Claire said...

All I can say to the last two comments is rotfl!

At March 02, 2008 6:28 PM , Blogger Franny Armstrong - ParaNovelGirl said...

Hi Rachelle;
We all have a sensual side inside of us. Writers, like us have the benefit of letting them out.
No, we may not get to practice what we write, but we can DREAM!
Franny Armstrong

At March 03, 2008 3:28 AM , Blogger Rita St. Claire said...

Yes, and I do dream! I create the yummiest heros, guys whom I'd like to have all to me. Omygosh, and I'm a married gal! That's the fun of fiction.

At March 04, 2008 9:02 AM , Blogger Rachelle Chase said...

Franny - I totally agree about writing being a wonderful way of letting our sensual side out. Oh, I think we could "practice" what we write about if we truly wanted to - though, odds are, it would come out nothing like the version in the book. LOL

Married or not, there's nothing wrong with dreaming/fantasizing. Yep, that is the fun of fiction, Rita. :-)


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