FreshFiction...for today's reader

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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sandi Shilhanek | Timing Says Something About You...What?

Sandi at Jen Lancaster signing
Sandi has a sweet spot
Originally uploaded by freshfiction
This last week found me once again attending a book signing with the wonderful ladies of the DFWTEA Readers. We were attending assigning Jen Lancaster who was signing copies of her latest book Pretty In Plaid.

Pretty in PlaidPer my usual style I arrived with plenty of time to spare. As I wandered the bookstore I noticed it was 4:00 and that would mean plenty of browsing time before the 5:00 dinner at The Cheesecake Factory. As I browsed I saw that there were already people sitting in the chairs at the signing area and the signing didn’t start until 7:00!

Never having read Jen Lancaster before I really didn’t understand why these people would be lining up (well sitting) so early. Later I would find out, but that’s another story! So anyway back on track…with them arriving so early I wondered what kind of person some of you are. Are you like me and like to be early, and might find a corner to read in while waiting? Are you a right on time sort of person? Perhaps you are a better late than never type of person.

Until next week I wish you all happy page turning!

Sandi Shilhanek

DFW Tea Readers
Readers 'n 'ritas... celebrating literary obsessions

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At May 17, 2009 2:56 AM , Blogger Stacey Smith said...

I have to be early to every thing i just do not fill right if I'm late to thing it makes me nerves.


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