FreshFiction...for today's reader

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Friday, April 24, 2009

Sandi Shilhanek | Retail Therapy

On Tuesday I let my emotions get the best of me and stormed out of my job in the direct vision of my boss, and quite possibly other employees. Did I care? No, not really. Was I thinking sanely? More than likely I wasn’t. What did I do next? What any self respecting woman/bookaholic might do I took myself out for some retail therapy.

Where else would a self proclaimed bookaholic go for retail therapy, but to the bookstore? My reason for going to the bookstore was really twofold….one in my haste to leave school I had left my book, and two who knew what new treasures might be awaiting me?

I went to Half Price Books, a chain store that sells used books, music, DVD’s etc. If you’re just going to wander and don’t have a specific title in mind you might be able to spend hours and hours in the store. If however you want a specific title and don’t find it your disappointment might be so overpowering that you leave the store almost immediately.

The book I was hoping to find a replacement for was Behind The Shadows by Patricia Potter. Unfortunately for me they didn’t have it. I was fortunate instead to find Taming The Fire by Sydney Croft and Vision in White by Nora Roberts. Finding these two books while exciting does produce a whole new set of problems. Do I feel elation about the additions to the TBR pile or do I feel sorrow for the books that are destined to be sucked into a deep dark hole quite possibly to never be seen again?

Do you have an opinion? Do you use retail therapy to ease your emotions be they good, bad, or indifferent? If you can answer yes to either of these questions then please comment and share either that opinion about how I should be feeling with great books in the TBR or what your last retail therapy purchase was.

Until next week I wish you happy page turning.

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