Bet you think I’m here as a writer. Well, you’re part right. I’m also here as a businesswoman, because that’s what being a successful writer demands. It isn’t enough to write a good book these days; it also takes running a
website, being on
Facebook, even
Twittering (as
BarbaraDelinsky). Oh, and blogging. Can’t forget that. I blog on my own website, and now, here, as a guest.

Who’d a thought, way back when, that all this … peripheral stuff would matter so much? But boy, does it. I’m currently writing
NOT MY DAUGHTER, scheduled to pub on January 5, 2010, but the book will not do as well as I want unless I continually hype it on my website, email my mailing list, write Q&As for online resources, display the cover art on Facebook, and tweak Twitter – and that’s not to mention giving speeches and signing books. Sadly, I’ve known many writers far more talented than I am, who have stopped writing because they found all these things so daunting.
Don't stop now,
read the rest of Barbara's blog...Labels: barbara delinsky
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