In the last few weeks some authors are being discussed quite a bit in a few of my yahoo groups. Naturally, I expect to hear about authors and their latest works through my groups, but what surprises me about the ones I’m hearing a lot about is that people are just discovering them, and because they enjoyed the newest title having to go on a back list hunt.

One of these authors is
Robyn Carr. I have to admit to being somewhat new to the Carr party. I once read a book for review (
Down By The River) and didn’t enjoy it at all. What I didn’t’ know at the time was that it was part of a series, and the third in the series. Had I known that I might have been a bit more lenient in how I thought of it. Years passed and I had the opportunity to review her new book,
Virgin River. Since I knew it was the beginning of a series I thought here is a way for this author to make my auto buy list. I was of course wowed by what I read, and told one and all you must read this series. It’s been over a year and I still am telling everyone run out and get The Virgin River books and read them ASAP!!!! What I didn’t know is how long Ms. Carr has been writing, and am amazed!

The second author I’m seeing a lot about is
Susan Wiggs. Ms. Wiggs has just released a hardcover book called
Just Breathe, which I enjoyed, and have been recommending whenever the opportunity presents itself. What I most like about Ms. Wiggs is that she writes connected series, and her recent Lakeshore Chronicles is another of those that I take every chance to say you haven’t read them….but you must! Again, I don’t know how long Ms. Wiggs has been writing, but suddenly I see her name a lot!

The last author I’m going to give a shout out to at this point is
Debbie Macomber. Those who know me best know that I am a truly devoted fan and can’t wait for each release. I’m amazed by the number of people I’ve recently been chatting with either online or in person who are just discovering this author and her Cedar Cove Series. Like the others I know Ms. Macomber has been writing for a long time, but as with the others seems to be suddenly the author to read!
So I’ve noticed that these three authors have become something of an overnight sensation, even if overnight took them years and years of honing their craft.
Which authors have you been hearing a lot of buzz about? If they have an extensive backlist is there one book getting talked about more than another? If it’s a new to you author are you going to have to do a major backlist hunt?
Thanks for sharing with me because remember inquiring minds need to know!
Labels: Sandi Shilhanek, series, Yahoo
I took a ten year plus hiatus from reading non-fiction so I've been catching up with everyone. What surprised me the most was the genres of Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy. Too many good authors for me to list that have been around for years that I've just discovered.
Hi Sandi:
Great post! I guess the author I have been introduced to most recently through an on-line bookclub is Lauren Dane.
I read Lauren's e-book 'Fated' for our discussion goup and was hooked. There is a backlist for her "Cascadia Wolves", series and I intend to download and read them all. I also have her 'Chase Boys' series waiting to be read.
I know she has been around for a while but I was unaware of her work until recently. Lauren's work has become an autobuy for me.
Sydney Croft's 'Storm' series is another that is getting significant buzz on many of the boards I visit. I read 'Riding the Storm', and was hooked. There are 3 published so far in that series. I have read 2 of the 3 book series and hope to start 'Seduced by the Storm', today or tomorrow. There will be 3 more 'Storm', books published I understand and I cannot wait.
There are so many great authors and series out there, it's hard to know who to read first. I just keep adding to my TBR mountain range!
Catherine Coulter is a name that is surfacing a lot on my Yahoo List. New readers know her as the author of the FBI Series that features characters Savich and Sherlock, but Ms Coulter has been around a long time with category romances, AFTERSHOCK, AFTERGLOW and THE ARISTOCRAT,all Silhouette releases. She done some other contemporary single titles, as well as a large amount of historical romances. I remember talking with a stranger on the city's rapid transit about her excitement on Coulter's "FBI thriller". When I mentioned she was a romance author the woman looked stunned and skiddish at which I pointed out to her parts of the FBI novels that indicated romance and she began to turn a little pale. I then sunk in the dagger with the news that all romance pretty much has fantastic story lines including murders, espionage etc., they just happen to be labeled "romance". By the time it was sinking in I happily reached my stop and marched off the train. I think she's doomed. I love to do this to those that are of the "I would never read a "romance" caliber, but then that is for another Blog comment.
For years I collected all of Debbie Macombers backlist of Harlequin books. Great reads, I haven't read her newer book. I will have to give them a try.
I have to say I have a little bit of a handicap in this area since I came very late to the romance genre, having just picked up my first about 3 years ago when I was 34. So I have a lot of catching up to do. I still hear names that are new to me but apparently very common names and much-loved authors to long-time romance fans.
But like you, I keep hearing the names Susan Wiggs, Debbie Macomber, and Robyn Carr a lot lately. I wasn't sure if they were new 'overnight sensations' or if they were just newer to me.
And yes, when I do find an author that is new to me and love their work, I have to go buy the entire backlist. Not so hard when it is a newer author but when I found Sherrilyn Kenyon a few years ago, it resulted in some nice-sized packages from Amazon.com! LOL
I like the topic you chose, Sandi! Nice blog!
I think for me it was Megan Hart. I read a lot of reviews praising her books. But I was skeptical about the fact that they were first person. So it took til this year to try Dirty and I'm glad I had Reason enough in the TBR pile. I went to the computer right away and ordered a bunch of ebooks by her. I also have Broken and Tempted in the TBR pile and am looking forward to Stranger.
I think the other author that I have recently discovered is Lauren Dane.
I've always believed that overnight sensations take years to appear.
Nalini Singh is now writing paranormal but she has roots in Harlequin contemporaries.
Yasmine Galenorn is hitting big in Urban Fantasy but has roots in non-fiction and mysteries.
Too many others to list!
I've been reading Debbie Macombers books for awhile now, I also like Maggie Shayne and Heather Graham. Recently I've 'discovered' Tara Taylor Quinn and Chris Jordan. My TBR pile is out of control!
I want to say thank you to everyone who responded to my latest blog! I appreciate all the comments, but they were all dangerous to my tbr! Some because I don't have these authors in my pile, and I'm going to have to add them, and some because I do have these authors in my pile, and I'm going to have to shift them towards the top, and that means a huge mess in the making!
Thanks everyone!
I'm a recent Debbie Macomber fan. What got me was the Heart of Texas Series re-issues and the Dakota Series re-issues. I really loved the stories and how they connected. Since I'm fairly new to the romance genre all authors are new authors to me.
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