I have written five full-length novels, three fantasy novels, The Stone of the Tenth Realm, Gaea's Keeper and the sequel to The Stone of the Tenth Realm, Alchemist of the Tenth Realm, a science fiction titled Post-Apocalyptic Genome, and Werewolf Sanctuary, a paranormal romance in my Wolf Maiden Chronicles. The Stone of the Tenth Realm is my first published novel. My second romance fantasy, Gaea’s Keeper is due out next summer.
I have a BS in Zoology and graduate studies in Biology. I have taught Biology, Environmental Science and Anatomy/Physiology in both public and private high schools. My background in science and passion for wildlife biology inspires my writings. I moonlight as a faculty member of the Grey School of Wizardry, an online school for kids and adults interested in magic and lore. I am in the departments of Beast Mastery.
I am passionate about wildlife and the environment. I combined my love of animals and writing by being a guest speaker for the Silicon Valley Romance Writers last summer. My topic was on Wolves and Ravens as Archetypes in Science Fiction and Fantasy Writing. I also teach at The Grey School of Wizardry in the Department of Beast Mastery. I have also taught about animals in fiction workshops for the Hearts Through History Romance Group. I spend several weeks last summer doing volunteer work at a wolf sanctuary in Southern Oregon. All my life I have trained and worked with dogs and horses. I hope to soon pursue the ancient art of falconry
The Stone of the Tenth Realm
By Eva Gordon
Sophie Katz, a Jew, escapes a Nazi concentration camp. By way of Prague and with the help of a golem and the Kabbalah she is transported into the 10th Realm, a magical dimension that parallels the world she left behind. Logan Macleod, a man hunted unjustly for a murder, runs to the Bestiary, a forest so dangerous no man dares enter. Drawn by his bagpipes, Sophie and Logan meet. As love ensues, the Tenth Realm's evil parallels the Third Reich's atrocities. Together they must join the armies fighting Gustaf Hissler, Adolph Hitler's doppelganger. Will they survive?
Please visit me on my website
www.ravenauthor.com/ or on my blogs (I have a fan group on Facebook)
Eve Gordon
Labels: Eva Gordon, Fantasy, Science Fiction
Hi, Eva, it is good to see you. Can you tell me where you got your idea that a stone would transfer Sophie between dimensions?
I got my ideas from new physics and kabbalah.
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