Carol Culver | 10 Things I Love About Writing The YA Novel

For those of you who weren't there, here's the list -
- YA books stay on the shelves longer (by longer I mean longer than category romance which is my other outlet) Category books are gone in a month, but the last time I checked at my local Borders, all three of my books in the BFF series, MANDERLEY PREP, RICH GIRL and THE GUY NEXT DOOR were still on the shelves.
- Teens are loyal readers, if they like your book, they spread the word by texting, calling or whatever.
- Series are popular. Hook a teen reader and they'll stick with you.
- YA books are short, around 50,000 words. You can
write more books in a year than single titles.
- Writing for and hanging out with teens can keep you young.
- You can dig into your own past for material or use your kids or your neighbors.
- Deal a blow forever to the memory of those geeks, freaks, nerds, cheerleaders, jocks and goths who wouldn't eat lunch with you, date you, or even speak to you in the hall.
- Teen novels can play to your strenghts. They can be romantic, paranormal, dark, light, funny, edgy or angsty.
- Teens are voracious readers and they've got more leisure time than many adults do.
- Teens are smart. They expect a lot. You can't let them down.
In the interest of fairness, I should say a few words about why I also love writing for Harlequin Mills & Boon, my British publisher.
- The books are translated into many languages (Spanish, Danish, French, Japanese, to name a few) and sold around the world which keeps the royalties rolling in long after the initial publishing date.
- The London editors are a fabulous group of supportive, kind, generous women.
- Working with the London editors encourages foreign travel to see the office and meet them. Definitely a fringe benefit.
Labels: Carol Culver, RWA, YA
I agree with all of these! And I gotta get myself a British publisher!
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