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Friday, May 09, 2008

Linda Gerber | My Fiction Addition

Hi. My name is Linda and I’m a fiction addict.

I live fiction, I breathe fiction, I make up really creative excuses when I forget to turn in my PTA sign-up sheets. Honestly, I can’t go through the day without a fiction fix.

Today, for example, I went to the bookstore to grab Stephenie Meyer’s latest. Just walking into the fiction section was like entering an enchanted canyon where everyplace I turned, something wonderful called out to me. Sadly, THE HOST was not on the shelves. The bookstore had just sold their last copy. I panicked. Leaving the bookstore without a book was not an option. Heart palpitating, I ran back to the fiction section and scanned the shelves frantically until found the next two books on my TBR list. Holding them in my hands, I was finally able to breathe easier.

Once, on vacation, I finished all the books I had brought with me. And I a whole day left at the beach and an entire flight home to get through! I made my dear husband drive into town – thirty miles away – and find a drugstore with a decent fiction selection(it was too small to have its own bookstore. I know, sad!)

With my fiction fixation, writing books is like a dream job for me. And exciting! Case in point, while working on DEATH BY BIKINI, I got to live at an exclusive tropical resort where I rubbed shoulders with senators and rock stars and ultimately outwitted an assassin. How can you beat that?

Speaking of DEATH BY BIKINI, if you like YA fiction, you are cordially invited to my cyber launch party May 15-18 at lindagerber.blogspot.comwhere you can win books from over 15 YA authors, including yours truly.

Meanwhile, what about you? Are you addicted to fiction? What is it about fiction that grabs you?

Thanks again to everyone at Fresh Fiction for having me!

Linda Gerber

Coming May 15 from Puffin Books – DEATH BY BIKINI

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At May 10, 2008 10:17 AM , Blogger Jennifer McAndrews said...

When I was growing up, my father taught each of us: if you want to travel the world without leaving home, read a book. I miss my dad something fierce (he passed several years ago), but I have him to thank for my fiction addiction. It's one of the greatest gifts he gave me (that, a twisted sense of humor, and an adult respect for Mallomars *s*).

I must say, too that this line "Leaving the bookstore without a book was not an option" really hits home with me. It's just wrong to leave ANY bookstore empty-handed. And I love knowing there are other people out there that feel the same way.

Crossing fingers for you that you get hands on a copy of The Host soon. But if you don't, there's this really fab mystery coming out on Thursday called Death By Bikini. You'll love it!!! *VBG*


At May 12, 2008 12:28 PM , Blogger Karen Harrington said...

You said it when you said "addicted to fiction." I think most people read because it's a pleasant escape from a mundane day. That and the fact that I think most readers want to learn something when they read a book of any genre.

Always great to meet another fiction addict!


Karen Harrington


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