It’s an occupational hazard. Authors don’t mean to spy and eavesdrop on people but it happens. Recently, I found myself at a restaurant for a Sunday lunch with my family. It was an upscale microbrewery/sports bar. All dark wood, brass, and plasma TVs everywhere. Great food, too. But even with all that going on around me, I was riveted by a couple two tables away. I couldn’t hear a word they were saying. But their bodies were talking- shouting. I just couldn’t help myself from "listening".

He was huge. I live an area that a lot of pro football players call home, so he may have been one. Regardless, he was at least 6’ 4”, blond ponytail, hulking shoulders. Gorgeous, frankly, with this interesting untamed air. Normally, he would have been enough all by himself to snag my attention. But he was sitting across the table from a woman. She was short and petite with dark, pixie hair. She had this interesting guarded expression. Gorgeous was leaning literally halfway across the table as he spoke, shoulders forward, eyes on Pixie. Whatever he was saying, he meant it. And his attention was nowhere but on her. She looked at her fingernails, her cell phone, her food, the table, and occasionally up at him with a shy glance. I don’t think she had a clue that I could actually see longing on her face. He must have seen it; I doubt the guy was blind. Every time she sent him one of these stares, he leaned a bit more toward her, until I swore he was going to climb across the table to get to her. And when they stood up to leave, he was all protective, possessive touches. She seemed a little jumpy and unsure, but finally settled against him. He honest-to-goodness smiled like he’d won the lottery. Then she moved away again. They walked out the door, her with car keys in hand.
Where am I going with this? Well, anywhere, really. For me, this is one way ideas are born. It was clear this couple knew each other, though my guess is not terribly well. I never heard a word they were saying. So in order to assuage my curiosity and fill in the blanks, I had to make SOMETHING up. The resulting story that’s brewing in my head is so delicious, I can’t stand it. A lot of deadlines are in-between me and this idea, but just seeing these two sent my head in a totally unexpected and thrilling direction.
There’s a saying: "Caution. What you do may appear in my next book." So true. Even if you don’t know it, I might be watching. And you could wind up immortalized in fiction.
What kinds of events or people do you notice when you’re out? Do they make you wonder what their lives and conversations are about?
Shelley Bradley - Sizzle from the Heart
A PERFECT MATCH ~ Samhain ~ May 13, 2008 (e-book)
www.blogger.com/www.shelleybradley.comShayla Black - The Wicked Edge of Romance
DANGEROUS BOYS & THEIR TOY ~ Ellora's Cave ~ May 28, 2008 (e-book)
TEMPT ME WITH DARKNESS ~ Pocket Paranormal ~ August 26, 2008
www.shaylablack.com/ www.doomsdaybrethren.com/MySpace!
Labels: Shelley Bradley, voyeur, writer
Hi Shelley,
Great story!!
I absolutely drive my family crazy when we go anywhere because I'm always listening in to other peoples conversations, or reading their body language.
Something funny happened once at Wendy's restaurant, years ago. I was listening to guy tell his girl that they gave him an extra hamburger. The conversation between the two went on for awhile while he tried to decide what to do. I must have really been staring because he eventually turned to me and asked me if I wanted it. I was mortified! So I've learned to be a little less blantant when evesdropping now. LOL
I love how you described your voyeur session. It was so vivid in my mind that I felt present there at the microbrewery, watching with you, drawn in to this couple as much as you.
~grins~ It reminds me of a scene in Wild Orchid (very old, corny, practically-porn movie with Mickey Rourke and Carre Otis) where the leading couple is watching another pair, discerning their background, their story.
I'm not surprised I was pulled in by your narration. I've always really enjoyed reading your words, feeling your characters come alive in my head and around me.
One of the reasons I often enjoy going to restaurants solo is to sit in the bar, watching the play between people. I always bring my notebook. Because who knows what will happen while I'm there?
WOW, Shelley, I am amazed, not only by what you notice, but by your descriptive powers. Just this little bit had me almost on the edge of my seat wanting to hear more. I've never read one of your books but I think I will be looking for one soon. Luckily I happened to join a site that you are on this morning, so maybe I can get some inside info on the best one.
Shelley, I loved the way you described the scene, too :)
I tend to do this almost everytimes I'm out... but, I love doing it when my friend Alberto and I go out together. We'll look around and create whole different lives for people, lol. We had one waiter who looked upset, and we decided it was because his girlfriend broke up with him due to the fact that his gay roommate had just confessed his love for him. And, now the waiter was conflicted :))
*oh my gosh!!!* You need to turn that into a book! That was so interesting- and would make a fabulous story! Really!
As to overhearing conversations... I've overheard some interesting ones. I worked on the hill [DC] this past summer- but didn't hear too much. It seemed that people off the hill knew more about what was going on then we who were working there!
My job takes me in and out of the county courthouse a lot, so I hear some really interesting things. Nothing as fun as yours though!
I can certainly see why you would have been watching...it sounds so intriguing and sweet.
Will bear in mind that no one is safe as possible fodder for a book in case I am ever knowingly around an author. *laughs*
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