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Monday, September 24, 2007

Lori Foster | "The" Writer

So You’re the Writer

I get asked that a lot. By everyone. My doctor. My dentist. Neighbors. Friends to my extended family.

I’m not “a” writer.

I’m “the” writer. Like there’s only one.

Or it’s so odd, it deserves special definition.

Most times I keep the writerly part of myself private. Only with other writers and among readers who know I’m published do I relax about my profession. But somehow, everyone finds out. And it’s always embarrassing.

I’M not embarrassed to be a writer. No, never that. I LOVE being a writer. But some people have these interpretations, or just things they say, or maybe WHEN they say them, or HOW they say them, that can make it very uncomfortable.

I recently attended a neighborhood block party, and lo and behold, the topic of my books came up.

I’m NOT the one who raised the subject.

A woman said, “You’re the writer!”

And a male neighbor – a nice guy, but still... told me that, given what his wife reads of my work, he expected me to be a hottie.

I’m positive that I disappointed him. :-)

Not too long ago, I was sitting at a high school sporting event and a woman I know said – from about eight rows away, “I read your book” – they never give titles. Just like being “the” writer, they just say “your book.” Anyway, she said, “I read your book, and then I highlighted the good parts for my husband.”

She had a very carrying voice.

Several people looked my way.

I could feel my face getting red.

And a woman sitting in front of me turned around and said, “Oh. So you’re the writer.”

All that from writing romance novels. And now I’m writing urban fantasy/horror, too.

I wonder what they’ll say next!

Have you ever been in a public situation that embarrassed you? (C’mon, you know you have!)

Is there anything about your profession that raises brows?

If you could ask me anything about writing, what would it?

I hope everyone is having a good day!

You can find out more about me at my websites –

Lori Foster

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At September 24, 2007 6:40 PM , Blogger Suzette said...

I love your books and I'm dying to read Simon Says! If I'm lucky I will get a bookstore gift card for my birthday(my family always give me a hard time since i read too fast and they think its a waste)and pick up the books I really want, yours included! Keep your fingers crossed for

At September 24, 2007 11:08 PM , Blogger Cathy M said...

I am actually in the middle of Murphy's Law, and love your combo of romance and humor. I am looking forward to reading about your dark side, and have Servant already on my wish list. As far as embarassment goes, I am a fine Irish lassie, and blush at the drop of a hat. Total bummer...

At September 25, 2007 8:12 AM , Blogger Lori Foster said...

Hi Suzette and Cathy!
I am SO sorry that i forgot to drop by yesterday. I had a radio interview and once that was over, my brain decided it was done. I forgot everything. Ugh.
You know, they say the memory is the first thing to go.

Suzette, thank you so much. I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed that you enjoy Simon Says. Next out after him is Harley Handleman (you'll meet him in Simon's book) in February. It's titled HARD TO HANDLE.
I wish I could read faster, but these days, every time I start to read, I decide to write. LOL



At September 25, 2007 8:14 AM , Blogger Lori Foster said...

Hey Cathy,
So you're fair skinned, huh? I'm not so much, but I still blush easily. And *that's* embarrassing too! LOL
I'm so glad you're enjoying Murphy's Law. Thank you!
After you've had a chance to read the scarier SERVANT book, drop me a line and let me know what you thought, okay?

Big hugs!


At September 26, 2007 8:47 AM , Blogger Stacy~ said...

Lori, as far as I'm concerned, you've never done anything to be embarrassed about. It's the people who speak without thinking that should be embarrassed. I think some of them are jealous because being a writer sounds exotic, exciting, and they probably don't realize all the work you do to finish a book. And I love every single one of them :)

As for me, I get embarrassed speaking in public, yet I do it at least once a week. Hasn't gotten any easier, but once it's over, I'm fine. It's just hard having all that attention focused on me - I keep worrying that I'll forget what I'm supposed to talk about or that my blouse might be unbuttoned - that wouldn't be much of a show LOL.

At September 26, 2007 10:36 AM , Blogger Laurie D. said...

Like Stacy said, I don't think the average person realizes how much time and effort go into writing a book. Thank heavens you enjoy doing it and are willing to work so hard at it, so we can reap the benefits!

One of my most embarrassing moments came at a parent volleyball meeting a few years ago when my daughter announced to the small group of us that remained to chat that I write reviews for romance books - one father found this interesting and made a comment about my keeping my husband happy after reading "those" books. All I could say was "I guess you'd have to ask him." I was at a total loss for words. But that wasn't enough, she had to add that I would like to write a romance novel of my own because I have a story idea that's been going round and round in my mind for years. This guy then says "Ooo, I'll just bet she does." - I immediately decided it was time to leave. I was mortified by his slimy comments. When I scolded my daughter for talking too much, she says "But I'm proud of what you do, Mom" - and then I was ashamed that I let him embarrass me.

At September 26, 2007 12:32 PM , Blogger Lisa F. said...

Hi Lori, some people have no tact!

My most embarrassing moment in public was many years ago. I was around 16 and at the mall shopping when I stopped by the restroom. You know how you line the toilet seats? Well, when I stood up, I didn't realize the paper come up with me so I walked all the way down the length of the mall trailing toilet tissue behind me. Finally a lady told me about it so I could get rid of it. As a teenager I was mortified!

Reading/writing/reviewing romance is nothing to be embarrassed about, but sometimes I hide it if the cover is too cheesy!

At September 26, 2007 4:57 PM , Blogger Ellory said...

Well, Lori are a wonderful writer who takes time to spend with her readers online and helps other writers get started in the business.

Rolls eyes at the lack of tact of some people. Although I had to laugh at your comment that you don't think you lived up to the person's expectation of what you should look like.

I'm glad that you write and share your wonderful books with us. I'm even willing to travel to the side of Urban Fantasy with you.

Ann M.

At September 26, 2007 10:30 PM , Blogger Patti said...

I'm a writer and find it difficult to explain to people not only that I'm A writer but what I write. There is still that perception of romance books (unfortunately)

On my personal blog is part of my phone conversation with my SIL one day when I told her what I was doing (writing).

Now that I'm about to be pubbed, I still haven't told the family. I'm sure that would seal my fate of being the "weird one" in the family. :)

Lori, I have Servant winging its way to me from Amazon...can't wait!

At September 27, 2007 7:52 AM , Blogger Jenny Gardiner said...

Oh, Lori, I really enjoyed this--I know exactly what you mean and I am nowhere near your level of success! I LOVE being a writer but I do get a little uncomfortable with some people's reactions to it because they do treat it as this very enigmatic, praiseworthy thing, and often people who before treated me like ME now treat me like someone important. Now THAT makes me squirm!
Sometimes it makes me laugh but usually if it comes up in a group, I'll try to steer the conversation back to something else (that is after being sure they all know Sleeping with Ward Cleaver is available for pre-order on Amazon now LOLOL)--after all, ya gotta maximize your efforts, right?

At September 27, 2007 7:39 PM , Blogger Lori Foster said...

Hi Stacy and Laurie. Dear dear friends! I love your stories, and your support. :-) Thank you!

Lisa F! Oh no! It's funny now though, right? HUGS!


At September 27, 2007 7:42 PM , Blogger Lori Foster said...

Ann M., thank you for being willing to give SERVANT a try! I hope it doesn't disappoint you!

Patti, you are the least weird person I know! I think you're borderline perfect. ;-)
And you ordered SERVANT!!! Thank you.

Too funny, Jenny! The promotion never ends. But I still shy away from it, and always have.
Now the husband... he's not the least shy about telling everyone!



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