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Thursday, September 13, 2007

Jaci Burton | Genre Jumping

One of the questions I get asked most is whether it's difficult to write in different genres.

The answer is absolutely not. I love genre jumping. In fact, I think it would make me insane if I were to write in only one genre. Perhaps that's because I've been writing in multiple genres since I started writing. It's impossible for me to stick to one...flavor. I love so many.

When I first started writing for Ellora's Cave, I started in contemporary, then branched out into paranormal. Then I got this great idea about faeries so I started a fantasy series. Then came futuristics and...well, you get the idea. I can't seem to stay with one genre, and I'm fine with that.

Several years and multiple publishers later, I've pretty much settled on mainstream paranormal romance and contemporary erotic romance...mostly. And that was because I was given the wonderful opportunity to write for Bantam Dell and Berkley, and each contracted me for something completely different, which was like a dream come true. I've always wanted to write paranormal romance, and my writing roots were in erotic romance. Now I can do both. And I also write for Samhain Publishing where I can mix it up with any genre I like. So I guess I'm not settling for just too after all. (Do you sense the craziness here? Heh)

But there's a method to my madness (Yes...brace yourselves...I'm about to get to the point). Genre jumping allows me a break. When I write my Demon Hunter series for Bantam Dell, I throw myself into the world of demons and the battle between good and evil. There are plots and subplots and twists and turns and romance and hawt sex and the series must continue, so I have to constantly build on that. When I finish a story, the next story I work on is typically a contemporary erotic romance for Berkley--a complete change in genre. It clears my head and allows me to focus on something entirely different. Then I can delve into the world of contemporary characters and their struggle to find love (with fun sex included!). The genres are so different, it's like taking a vacation. By the time I finish my contemporary romance, I'm ready to dive back into the world of the Demon Hunters again.

Really, I have a great job. Or multiple jobs. I get to do different things all the time and I realize how very lucky I am.

Jaci Burton

Hunting The Demon

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