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Thursday, June 23, 2005

Naughty Girls in town...

Naughty Girls of Downtown Press at Lewisville WaldenbooksSorry about the delay, but I wanted to get the books finished before I posted and I've had a hellacious (good ole southern term I've picked up) week. So without further ado -- our pictures from last week's Naughty Girl tour...

Back row (from left): Kelley, Sandi and Jackie Charnier (manager of Vista Ridge Waldenbooks, Front row (from left): Julie Leto, Julie Kenner, Shari Shattuck, Gena Showalter.

The "Naughty Girls" were touring courtesy of Downtown Press -- and each book was contemporary but with a "chick lit" flair. For those readers loving mysteries, LETHAL by Shari Shattuck is the second in her Hollywood series. Hollywood socialite Callie Wilde is on jury duty and stumbles on more than just great shopping during her break. With the help of her lover, Detective Evan Paley, Callie manages to uncover murder in a drug smugglers ring and geisha girls triangle.

AWAKEN ME DARKLY by Gena ShowalterGena Showalter has burst on the scene with a plethora of books in her first year of publishing. With AWAKEN ME DARKLY, her paranormal bent glows through. Definitely a book for those who love a bit of romance with their paranormal reading.

DIRTY LITTLE SECRETS by Julie LetoJulie Leto lends the Hispanic flair with her story set in Tampa -- Marisela is a kick ass heroine with a secret life -- she's still running as a bounty hunter even with her license to carry revoked. Her skills have caught more than the bad guys attention; she's been recruited to, well, you'll have to read DIRTY LITTLE LIES to get the whole story. One thing for sure, you won't be denied any steam in this one.

GIVENCHY CODE by Julie KennerJulie Kenner takes on the DA VINCI CODE by giving us a grad student heroine out to decode arcane clues in order to make money to buy more apparel. It's an interesting bent to the arcane phenomena sweeping the world, a chick lit sway to the hip reading.

All-in-all the authors were a delight to meet and the books each had the chick lit label in common, but they also appealed to a distinct segment of readers. An interesting way to market and the Naughty Girls of Downtown Press are a good step in a new direction.


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