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Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Bitten, Stolen & Lost Sleep

I apologize in advance for any mistakes ths post will have. I haven't slept the past 2 nites. Two good friends, who shall remain blamed not blameless, got me hooked by giving me the first two books in the Kelly Armstrong "Women of the Otherworld" series.

You might say on Sunday night I was BITTEN, and Monday night was STOLEN from me if you were as slap happy as I am at the moment.

I am truly surprised and thrilled to find a new take on a genre I thought was "So Five Minutes Ago". Now, must cut this short since my husband is back from the bookstore with DIME STORE MAGIC; the third book in the series. My own copies of these two titles along with INDUSTRIAL MAGIC and HAUNTED(just released) should be here in a few days from Amazon. Maybe before they get here I can get some sleep!!


At June 08, 2005 11:57 PM , Blogger Sara Reyes said...

Poor Poor M. It is a sad world we live in when you're captured by the printed page. But they are good, aren't they?

Off subject but dealing with pop culture...June 7 Daily Show had some writer with a book about Popular Culture not being a bad thing. He justified watching television as making us smarter. I'm not sure I followed his logic since it seemed to me he was falling out of his clothes. Did you see it? Was I nuts or what?

At June 09, 2005 7:38 PM , Blogger Tracy said...

I'm glad you enjoyed them! I have got Stolen on the top of the TBR pile once I finish this dreadful book I agreed to review. What was I thinking?

At June 10, 2005 10:18 AM , Blogger Sara Reyes said...

snort, hope you had a great trip to FL and can't say I didn't warn you! Classic don't you think? And the sad part is people will be paying BIG bucks for that book when it comes out. I don't get it!


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