Monday Musings, or stuff to do this week
After downing two nice mugs of wonderful Central Market java, I'm ready to face the week. And for me, that means the infamous, demanding, annoying, but necessary TO DO list!
So, what will we be doing this week?
Posting a ton (well, it feels that way) of reviews for June books.
Publishing our weekly newsletter on Tuesday.
Adding the books from the two big mystery confabs -- the Agathas and the Edgars.
Adding comments (wouldn't that be nice if it actually worked this time)
Nudging the search function to return good stuff, I actually think I figured that one out. Yeah, right.
Adding the poll.
Add books, add books, add books. Ah, the life of data gatherer is NEVER done.
So, off to pet the dog, drink one more cup and work, work, work.
The work of a wonder web mistress is never done; enter on!!
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