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Saturday, May 14, 2005

Gothic, suspense and fantasy

To be very honest, I've never kept a reading journal as I never saw the point. I remember the good of what I've read and if a book has me pondering, well, then I might reread it or not. Reading has and I hope always will be entertainment and not a vessel of confounded thinking. But I digress, I think I'm supposed to note books I've read since last posting, uh, that would be yesterday's readings.

Yes, the procedure went well and I had the chance to finish three books. Mystic and Rider, Extreme Exposure, and The Veil of Night. Told you I had to have variety when I read :-)

Veil of Night by Lydia JoyceThe Veil of Night is what I'd call an erotic gothic -- set in a crumbling Yorkshire manor, filled with dark cold stone rooms, moldering furnishings, and a windswept rainy environment to complete the aura of gothickness (new word by the way). Then the author tossed in more than normal explicit sexual descriptions in a tale of sexual slavery for one week to cover the debts (or at least put repayment off until the parents die) of heroine's dissolute brother. Yeah, a sorta standard tale for historicals, the twist here is the reason the hero can't wander around in the daylight. No, he is NOT a vampire, just has a skin condition. So instead of romping over the hills to have some lovely sexual antics, they're stuck doing the deeds in the crumbling old mansion. Very gothic indeed.

Extreme Exposure by Pamela ClareAfter the wet, dank era of Victorian England, I wandered into the mean streets of contemporary Denver as told by Pamela Clare. This is her first contemporary and romantic suspense. It will be out in August, so yeah, read it on my computer. Mixing state politics and journalism, an interesting tale of corporate greed and life in a newspaper. I did guess one of the "bad" guys early on, but I stayed with it to the end. Also very spicy and explicit language in this one, but then I've noticed that Penguin (parent of Berkley and Signet) are opting to put out the spice in their current books. Ah, sex sells.

Mystic and Rider by Sharon ShinnThird one was my favorite read of the night and one that will make it to the keeper shelf -- along with the rest of her books if I can keep the other readers in the family away from them ::sigh:: Mystic and Rider is lovely. The story of a band of travelers on a mission for the king to root out the source of unrest, end up with new, additional loyalties as their journey unfolds. I think what I like about Shinn books is even set in a time and place far away there are many threads of current situations and problems woven in the story. I loved Tayse, loved Sennenth. The other team members are charming and richly described. Yup, definitely a keeper and can't wait for the next ones in the series. It is horrid to have to wait an entire year ::sigh:: I am so impatient. I pulled down my old archangel books, I feel a re-read coming on...

So that was it for Friday, today is a tea day, so I'm off to get ready for an afternoon of tea, book chat and friends. I love tea days!


At May 15, 2005 5:31 PM , Blogger Kelley said...

Well I was glad for your feedback on these ones. I have some of these on my bookshelf and some I've wondered about buying so the feedback helps since we like some of the same stuff.


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